Wednesday, July 20, 2005


The following information is shocking so please prepare for the words that follow. The number one killer of people today is not heart disease, cancer or aids. In fact, there is a disease killing more people than aids, cancer and heart disease combined.

This disease the media will not tell you about, top medical practitioners around the country have failed to reveal to you. Thousands of people are dying from it each and every day.

The #1 killer of people today is a disease named negativity. Negativity is extremely deadly. When we are in negativity mode it becomes second nature to look at the worst side of the situation, lacking the belief that we can change, also saying what we are not rather than what we could become. That is just for starters.

The media doesn’t tell you about it because their negativity driven, the medical practitioners failed to tell you because it’s in their best interest to keep you medicated and unaware. The reason I’m exposing this disease is I’m tired of watching individuals suffering all of their lives and dying from it.

Allowing negativity to take control of us stimulates within us feelings of loneliness, abandonment, isolation, worthless, empty, incompetence, ignorance, uselessness, defeated, beaten down to a pulp, lost, betrayed, cheated, unwanted, overwhelmed, overpowered, defenseless, ignored, invisible, avoided, wimpy, a loser, defiant, rebellious & attacking and even an outcast.

Whenever we deposit our negative feelings in the account of our wellbeing they alter our thinking, our bodies, and feelings for the worst. This unaddressed negativity contributes to depression, nervous breakdowns, strokes, mental health, heart disease, suicide, kills potential, shatters dreams, dishes heartbreaks; I can go on and on here.

We need to eliminate negativity from our thinking. The results of eliminating negative thinking from our lives will help us live longer, healthier, and more productive. I want to live a longer, healthier and more productive life. What about you?

A mental diet would benefit us in a powerful way. A mental diet consists of not thinking about anything negative, saying anything negative, and doing anything negative. If a bout with negativity comes up you have 25 seconds to deal with it before letting it go. If you cannot let it go in 25 seconds you have to start all over from the beginning.

Start your mental diet right now. I suggest staying on it for at least a week for starters. Watch how great you feel after you come off of a mental diet. The longer you practice mental diets the easier it becomes and more beneficial.

In closing, I leave you with these words to ponder.

“For many negative thinking is a habit, which over time, becomes an addiction… A lot of people suffer from this disease because negative thinking is addictive to the Big Three—the mind, the body, and the emotions. If one doesn’t get you, the others are waiting in the wings.” Peter McWilliams


Blogger Black Wombmyn Chat said...

Now I can probably do the not 'doing anything negative'--I think--but then again, you'd have to be more specific about what constitutes negative 'doings'.

I could probably even do that not-negative thinking (w/ 25 second time limit). But the not saying anything negative?

Do you realize that includes Midlife Crisis' all-time favorite pastime--Gossip?
Are you kidding?

9:34 AM  

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