Monday, July 25, 2005


I had one heck of a commute this morning on the way to work. While riding the Z-train into Manhattan we ended up stuck on the Williamsburg Bridge for a few minutes. My brother calls my cell phone telling me they just announced that J and Z trains are not running. I assure him everything is fine we are about to pull into the tunnel.

We stop in Essex train station the conductor announces there’s a train stuck in a station 2 stops away and we are being held in the station until further notice. Now as an educated commuter I know this isn’t a good thing. I get off transfer to the F train then unto the E train (for a total of taking 4 trains to reach work).

Have you ever been stuck in your life? Being stuck is not a good feeling. I have been stuck in many different situations ranging from being stuck in an elevator, a broken down vehicle on the highway, and even at a house in the boondocks of North Carolina.

On a deeper note there are so many people today who are stuck.

People who are stuck in the past, on a dead-end job, in an unhealthy relationship, stuck on Simon or Simona who broke your heart, or just stuck in a rut. We have all been there at some point in our lives. I notice individuals being stuck in quicksand situation. The more you try to get out the worst your situation becomes. They are trying to move from being stuck but just don’ know how?

Here are 5 sure ways to getting unstuck.

Let go of the belief that you’re trapped in your present situation. Your perception is your reality. Always believe there is a way out.

There is always more than one way out of your situations. Questioning your way out of a jam is brilliant. What are some of the things that I can do now to eliminate this problem? Who can help me with solving this problem/situation? How can I strengthen myself so this doesn’t have me in a bind again?

Become a solutions person instead of a situations person. A situations person gets into situations attempting to deal with them when they come. If a person is unequipped to deal with the situation, it turns into a problem eventually escalating to a bigger problem, which graduates unto a maze of confusion and confinement. A solution person works on solutions and solving problems before they come so when they arrive it is no big deal and the situation remains just a situation and has no time to escalate until something crippling you.

Be Good at Being You. Always work on improving yourself everyday. We take our cars to be serviced, the carwash to be detailed, and invest hundreds and thousands into making our vehicles and homes look great. Why don’t we put the same hard effort into our lives? Whenever you work hard on improving yourself you get better results in various areas of your life.

Live long and prosper. Mr. Spock had a brilliant motto we need to apply to our lives. Living long means enjoying every moment of life allotted to you. Making the best of your time loving where you are in life right now. Realizing happiness comes from within not outside of yourself (I will deal with this sometime in the near future). Prosperity comes to the person(s) who enjoys every rich moment in life knowing it only gets better.

Helen Keller hope. Is thinking/knowing you can overcome anything despite your situation. Fiery faith burning within you radiating to the world “this too shall pass” and you shall victorious.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” --Helen Keller


Blogger Black Wombmyn Chat said...

Once again...great quote at the end.

10:46 AM  

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