Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Chasing Happiness

I used to catch lightning bugs in an old vacant years ago, in a lot near my childhood home in Brooklyn. I can still feel those warm summer nights waiting to see their little lights flicker in the darkness. I would dash towards them, my heart a pounding drum in my chest, my legs pumping pistons, and as I came close I would either fall or fall short of capturing it.

Many individuals chase behind people, places and things like lightning bugs, trying to capture happiness. Whatever you chase behind often eludes you. Why do we do this? Do we do it for the money, fame, fortune or relationships? No. It is actually for none of the above.

Did I just say that? Yes I did. I mean who doesn’t enjoy receiving more money? Haven’t we all wished at some point in our lives we were famous? Let’s keep it real.

How many times have you said to yourself when I hookup with that man, or woman, I will be the happiest man in the world? What about the famous statement “when I win the lottery all of my problems will go away?” We don’t do it for love, for more money, a bigger house, or any of that. Those are all good reasons.

However, the key reason we want these things is so we can be happier. We do it all to amplify our happiness, to take ourselves to another level of happiness. How many millionaires have secured more money, bigger homes and more possessions but failed to find true happiness?

How many athletes have broken records, only to still feel unfulfilled and unhappy?

“The pursuit of happiness is mankind’s favorite sport.” Anonymous

Mike Tyson is the youngest boxer to capture the heavyweight champion belt. What a great accomplishment. Unfortunately we still find him chasing happiness that has eluded him for years. It is a sad tune to hear, a terrible movie to watch and a bad predicament to be in when happiness cannot be found.

“It’s pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness; poverty and wealth have both failed.” Kin Hubbard “For most men at all times the secret motive of all they do, and of all they are willing to endure.” William James

I want to reveal a golden secret that will make you wealthy, healthy, and wise beyond years. It will save you 100% of heartbreaks, give you strength to do the impossible and make your life more enjoyable.

How I Found True Happiness and How You Can Too

Most recently, after a heart-wrenching break up with my girlfriend of three years, I thought happiness was out of reach, eluding me once again. That is until, I figured out the 2 keys to true happiness. It started with some soul searching that led me to the heavenly plain of happiness. True happiness is closer than you can ever imagine.

One of the biggest reasons we never find happiness is because we are looking for it in all the wrong places. Happiness cannot be found externally. I know that 75% of the world is extroverted. That may be the reason why most of us chase happiness and miss it every time.

True happiness can only be found internally. You experience happiness by doing what you enjoy. If you're not doing that - then you can never truly be happy. It has taken me thirty-three years to figure it out. It takes longer for some others and many never figure it out in the course of their lives.

I love writing with an undying passion. I recently took a six-month or longer hiatus from writing. Unhappiness began doing a job on me. I had a slow leak in my soul where the air of happiness was slowly being let out of me. After reflecting upon my broken relationship, I decided to get back to doing the things I enjoy.

Immediately I felt my slow leak was repaired. Rededicating myself to the things I love doing invigorated me. I became overwhelmed by a hurricane of happiness that continuously lifts me into the heavenlier places. When was the last time you did something you enjoy doing?

Do more of it. In fact, do everything you enjoy so you can watch your happiness meter go through the roof. By doing those enjoyable things, you can take your happiness to a higher level by focusing on positive things taking place in your life. Focus on each of them. Soon you will see a new horizon of happiness.

These are the two keys to true happiness. Everyday I get up knowing my days are brighter, I have more fight in me and life couldn’t be sweeter. No matter how many awards or achievements I make in life they are nothing compared to experiencing true happiness. I feel free to live life to the fullest.

I am soaring so high without wings and it is a beautiful thing. Stop looking for happiness in a person who just might let you down, in a car that starts losing value as soon as you drive it off the lot, in a home which can be destroyed by fire or a natural disaster, or in finances that can be here today and gone tomorrow.

I share this life changing truth with you so you can stop chasing happiness as a fleeing lightning bug. I share this so you too can capture happiness and watch its glow of glory inside your life. The very same way I mastered the art of catching lightning bugs.


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