Monday, August 29, 2005

The Desire 2 Change
One evening while having a telephone coaching session with a life coach, she made a very profound statement that went “Arthur you can’t save everyone, there are people who don’t want to change, who are comfortable in their own skin.”

I listened to the words echoing throughout the halls of my mind without speaking a word. These words stopped me in my tracks. I already know I couldn’t save everyone. My Life Purpose Statement is dedicated to helping as many people change their lives for the better.

My coach was right. There are people who want to change, don’t have the desire to change, and finally those who want to change but don’t know how to change. What shall we do with those who don’t have the desire to change? I address those who want to change their lives for the better.

For those of you who read self-help books, attend seminars, classes, church, synagogue, and temples this is for you.

Those who have no desire to change you may want to abort now, because I don’t want to put any pressure on you to change your life. If you satisfied with your current performance leveling life, your business and bad relationships then more power to you. It is your prerogative to live that way and settle.

For those who desire to change Awakening Excellence is the place to be right now. You need to change in order to receive a different outcome than the ones you have been already receiving.

I know there are several people who just don’t want to change. I also know that there are millions of people who want the best. Let me sum that up by saying this, in order to receive the best then you have to act the best or be to the best.

You cannot be mediocre and expect the best. You either have to psyche yourself to be the best or change to be the best. It is just that simple. I recall when I was in public school I had a problem with algebra. It bugged me a great deal because I was a math wiz until algebra came along.

I did everything in my power to make better grades upon my tests. However, I was trapped like a lab mouse stuck in a maze without a clue. One day it clicked and I aced the test and never had problem with algebra or math again.

I share that to share this with you. There are times when everything is just going right or feels right. Then a situation arises that forces you to change, not because you want to, but because you have to change.

There are people who want to change but don’t know how. This week I will give you several methods to change your life.
Here are five surefire ways to change your life.

Acknowledge Your Current Place/Situation in Life.

Work on finding solutions to your present situation (You read this blog everyday which is dedicated to change).

You must dedicate the rest of your life to change to become equipped for anything that lies ahead.

You need the endurance to stick to the script until you experience change.

Let no one dissuade you from your commitment to change your life for the better.


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