Friday, August 26, 2005

What Oprah or Dr. Phil Can’t Teach you About Dating & Relationships?

Oprah Winfrey is simply phenomenal. Every day she is impacting people’s lives. Dr. Phil’s fan base is growing more and more each day. However, when it comes to relationships there are certain things they just can’t teach you-but I can.

I am launching a new blog this Monday, August 29, 2005, on relationships entitled “Richer Relationships.” If you enjoyed what you have learned over the last 2 weeks about relationships you will adore what this blog will offer you.

Alright enough with the sales pitch. I promised to knock your socks off yesterday. Unfortunately, I was bogged down with a big project and never had the opportunity to do so. However, you will not be denied because I aim to please.

Without further or do lets get this party started.

The Real Reason Many Relationships End
People don’t fall out of love as a lot of people teach. What actually happens is one party falls out of attraction with the other. That is the reason why when people leave a relationship they tend to say I don’t know what happened but the spark isn’t there anymore.

What 2 Do If You Fall Out of Attraction?
When people fall out of attraction it is both parties job to work on seduction and amplifying attraction. Leaving shouldn’t be the first thing that you do. It should be the last thing you do if you are in a meaningful and healthy relationship.

Here are 5 Strategies 2 Stir the hornets Nest of Seduction and Amplify Attraction
Love people upon their frequency, not our own. We human beings are selfish when it comes to sharing our feelings with others. We generally love our partners the way we want to be loved. However, true love is unselfish, bestowing love in the way our partner desires to receive it.

Know everything about your lover that turns you on. Make sure you praise them for doing those things. The reason is they will get excited and continue to perfect it.

Learn to do more things together with your mate. The family that plays and prays together stays together.

Be grateful you have your partner in your life. Learn to appreciate your partner for being themselves.

The Biggest Lie Taught About Relationships
We are often told that we have to have several things in common with the partner that we are with or have our eyes upon. However, that just isn’t true. We often say opposites attract, but how many of us actually believe this to be true?

Many of us run in the other direction when we meet someone who isn’t into the things we are. Our differences can be a beautiful thing that draws us closer to one another.

I have the best relationships with people I didn’t have much in common with.

Why Are Clubs and Lounges Aren’t the Best Places 2 Meet Mates?
The club/ lounge scene is cool for meeting people. However, these places are not the best places to meet potential partners. There are several factors that you must consider.

Shy guys or girls don’t do well in lounges and clubs.

People often bring a group of friends with them to the place looking to find someone. Your girls or guys can throw salt in the game when someone approaches you or vice versa.

Going alone can help you be more successful at meeting people. People who go to these places have to really step their game up and put their game faces on.

Competition is really thick in the clubs and lounges.

Seven Sizzling Places to Meet Potential Partners
1. Church
2. Seminars/Classes
3. Online Dating Services
4. Street Fairs
5. Laundry
6. Supermarket
7. Through friends & Family

3 Techniques 2 Attract More Potential Mates
Design how you want. Write out a detailed list about who you want to attract. Cover all areas like looks, values, beliefs, and so fourth. The more specific it is the better.

Stay completely optimistic that your ideal partner is out there and you will meet them.

Sit back relax for about ten minutes to 15 minutes before going out, visualize yourself meeting the man or woman of your dreams. Now go out there and make things happen.


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