Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Art of Self Mastery

I want every one of you to live an abundant life. Living the abundant life doesn’t mean you embrace spirituality and neglect your health. Living abundant life doesn’t mean you embrace self control and neglect relationships. Did you know that neglecting or giving up on certain areas of life is not living at all? Those who do they are simply existing.

I want you to stop existing and start living. I want to show you how to live an abundant life.

How would you like to have a proven blueprint to maximize your success and skyrocket your performance level to astronomical heights? Well look no further. I utilize the art of self mastery continuously to achieve more in life almost effortlessly. You are about to embark on a most rewarding journey full of radiant riches.

Here is my personal self mastery list.

Persuasive Optimism is utilizing your strengths in a way that not only gets you noticed, but draws people to you who want to know more about you.

Health is making sure you exercise, get appropriate rest, eating right to fuel your body for success. You only get one body and we must learn to take great care of it.

Know Your Life Purpose you must know what it is that you want to do in life. Not what your family, friends or partner desires for you, but what direction you want to take your life in.

Novelty of Romance and Personal Relationships is strengthening your friendships, developing platonic relationships; keep yourself open to the possibility of having a long-term relationship with an ideal partner best suited for you and knowing there are several people who fit this criteria.

Self-Confidence is a vital tonic for every person who has goals, dreams and aspirations to achieve great things. Having faith in yourself and your abilities it pays off in rich dividends.

Self-Discipline is having a set of rules you play by or a script you stick to throughout life. Self discipline is a powerful asset to have. When a person master self discipline they live a more rewarding lives.

Spiritual Practice is living a life with a connected relationship with God. I am not promoting a religious denomination, what I am promoting is developing a dedicated relationship with God.

Values and Beliefs these are 2 driving forces that control most of your life. Make sure you have life enhancing beliefs and eliminate all erroneous beliefs from your life. I will show you how to do this later in the very near future.

Mastering Emotions is having the ability to deal with your emotions effectively. Not surpressing emotions, experiencing emotions and not allowing them to control you. Our emotions are alarm clocks alerting us to certain things going on with us. Emotions are not evil dictators who rule with an iron fist unless you allow them to do so.

Persistence is the true fuel of champions and achievers of excellence.

Master of change is someone who knows how to roll with the punches in life. They don’t react to situations they respond to them.

Adaptability is an attribute that comes in handy in life. In order to be successful you have to be able to adapt to different circumstance, situations and people.

Career millions of people work jobs when they should be working careers. Finding the career best suited for you lowers your stress level, raises your production level, and makes you happier.

Master Self-Improvement is staying committed to improving yourself for the rest of your life.

Commit Yourself to Creativity is staying creative in life. George Washington Caver created more than 325 products from the peanut. What new creative ways can you come up with the enrich humanity or make yourself rich?

Embrace Peace and Tranquility this is so vital to renewing your entire being. We don’t embrace peace and tranquility enough. Serenity is superb for recharging your inner being to face the day ahead.

In the next few weeks we will go over each item on my self mastery list. Keep the people who were directly affected by Katrina in prayer.

"You can do what you want to do, accomplish what you want to accomplish, attain any reasonable objective you may have in mind -- not all of a sudden, perhaps not in one swift and sweeping act of achievement -- but you can do it gradually, day by day and play by play, if you want to do it, if you work to do it, over a sufficiently long period of time." ~ William E. Holler

P.S. don’t forget to read my available every Monday.


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