Monday, August 01, 2005

Upgrading Your Memory part II

Computers function similar to the way our brains work. However, the fastest most advanced computer built or that will be built cannot compare to our minds.

“There are about 100 billion neurons in our brains. In fact, the functions that occur on the world’s most powerful computer in a year would not even compare to the functions that occur in just one neuron in one person’s brain in one second.” Doug Bench, Science for Success Revolutionary Neuroscience Discoveries fro Success

The memory functions of a computer are similar to how the human brain functions. The memory consists of short and long term memory. There are 6 neurological levels that affect the memory and processing functions of our minds. They are:

First Level: Spiritual-What is my practice?
Second Level: Identity-Who am I?
Third Level: Values and Beliefs-What are my beliefs & values?
Fourth Level: Capability-What can I do?
Fifth Level: Behavior-How do I act and why?
Sixth Level: Environment-Where am I and how does this affect the rest of my actions and decisions?

The 1st four levels catapult people to success or failure while the latter two help more along the processing function. We all function upon all of these levels. The key is strengthening each level.

The first level is the most important level. Believing in God and developing a relationship with Him is the most important thing a person can do.

The second level can be confusing and is difficult for many people to reach. There are millions of people trying to find out who they are in this world. You are a child of the King of the universe. By divine right you are to live a rich abundant life. You were created to do the impossible.

The third level is the dictator of all neurological levels. Your beliefs and values dictate every aspect of your life. Whatever we think about most, adding strong emotions to, and adding our own visual slideshow to it we attract unto ourselves.

“We need to realize that the direction of our lives is controlled by the magnetic pull of our values. They are the force in front of us, consistently leading us to make decisions that create the direction and ultimate destination of our lives.” Anthony Robbins

Your values can be placed into 2 different categories. There are enjoyable values to pursue and runaway from values. A person’s values might look like this:

Enjoyable values 2 pursue
Love, Writing, Power, Family Happiness

Runaway from Values
Conflict,Ignorance, Rejection, Drama, Loneliness

This person has conflicting values that are sabotaging their efforts in love and writing. When this person experiences too much conflict, rejection, & drama they will flee their relationships and writing endeavors. They will give up on their dreams because of their runaway from values.

By adjusting their runaway from values and eliminating two they can be more successful in their relationships and writing. Let’s look at how their new value system looks.

Enjoyable values 2 pursue
Love, Writing, Power, Family, Happiness

Runaway from Values
Loneliness, Drama,Ignorance, Anger, Frustration

Your fourth level reveals your traits, strengths, gifts, and weaknesses to you. By discovering your traits, talents, gifts and weaknesses you will know how much you can handle and achieve in life.

The fifth level many people reach later on in their lives. By familiarizing yourself with the first five levels you will have a better understanding why you act the way you do. A fast way is to study the Enneagram to find out what your number is.

The sixth level we learn to function upon at an early age. We have basic instincts to adjust ourselves to the environment we find ourselves in. I will not waste time on this level because we have a basic knowledge of this function already.

Our perception is our reality. Life is not governed by what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you. The only definition to our experiences is the ones we have placed upon it. Therefore perceive you are all powerful with the ability to change your life now for the better.


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