Ways to Write through Your Storms
Life isn’t always a sun shiny day. We have all been faced with ups and downs good times and bad times. However, did you know that writing is therapeutic to your soul?
I want to share with you the therapeutic effect writing can have upon an individual’s life. About 13 years ago I started a prayer journal at the urgency of one of my pastoral friends Pastor Compton Ross. I had no idea of how to put one together, but I designed it especially for my praying needs.
When I started the journal I had no idea that this journal would be a blessing to me in one of the most trying times in my life. Months later my marriage took a nosedive and crashed and burned.
Daily writing in that prayer journal daily helped me a great deal with everything that was going on in my life. Despite my heart-wrenching divorce and other problems I would face. My prayer journal not only helped change my perspective upon life.
It became a testimony to me on just how good God had been to me despite the trials and tribulations that we face. As I went through my daily ritual of writing in my journal, I would check my previous request and see not only answers but experience some miracles.
This journal was therapeutic to my soul because it was a reflection of my past trials and tribulations and testament on how things just worked out.
That was the first journal that I ever started. Since then I have started various journals that not only reflect my life but serves as a memoir to read later on. And if I ever decide to write a book on it I have all of my intended history readily available at my fingertips.
Writing Letters
When I give counsel people about them having gripes with their friends, or family I suggest to them to write a letter to the person that has offended them. They may never hand or send the letter off but this is an effective way to get in contact with their emotions and burry them their.
Sometimes just expressing ourselves on paper will help us feel better about our situations and life in general. What are you waiting on write through your own storms today.
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