Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Held Hostage

Have you found yourself attracting the wrong mates over and over again? Are you afraid you cannot find the love you need? Do you feel you cannot trust anyone? Do you feel like you need to always be in a relationship? Why do I always feel like disaster is about to strike?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you are being held hostage by emotional lifetrap(s)? I have seen people sabotage great relationships, friendships and business ventures because they are held captive by these lifetraps unaware.

After watching friends and families having relationship problems I decided to elaborate upon the effects of lifetraps. Many people are unfamiliar with them and their affects upon a person’s life.

Here are the 11 lifetraps:

There are 2 lifetraps that relate to a lack of safety or security in your childhood family. They are Abandonment and Mistrust.

Abandonment-The fear of losing people you care and love. These people can be very clingy to the people that they love for fear of losing them.

Mistrust and Abuse-Is the belief that people will use, abuse, or hurt you in some way. These individuals usually hide behind a wall of mistrust to shield themselves.

There are 2 lifetraps that relate to your emotional connection to others. They are Emotional Deprivation and Self Exclusiveness.

Emotional Deprivation-Is the belief that your need for love will not be met. People who have this lifetrap usually attract cold and ungiving people into their lives.

Social Exclusion-Is a person’s belief that deals with the connection of friends or groups of people. People with this lifetrap have difficulty making friends and usually can feel uncomfortable with their looks, appearance, sexual side, and conversational skills. They often stay away from groups and making friends.

There are 2 lifetraps that affect your self-esteem they are Failure and Dependency.

Failure-Is the belief you cannot make certain accomplishments in different areas of achievement like school, projects, relationships, etc. etc. These people live in a fearful state often exaggerating their failures and acting in a manner to continually experience failure.

Dependency-Is the feeling that you cannot cope in the everyday hustle and bustle of life without the help of someone else. These individuals seek out strong figures to help them and rule over their lives.

There are two different lifetraps that relate to your ability to function independently in the world. They are Defectiveness and Vulnerability

Vulnerability-Is the belief that disaster is about to strike in one’s life. These individuals constantly live in fear of many things and probably had a very sheltered life as a child.

Defectiveness-Is the belief that there is something wrong with you and your ability. These individuals feel flawed in some way, they are afraid of love, they don’t believe people value them and most often they expect rejection.

The 2 lifetraps that deal with Self-Expression-your ability to express what you want to get your needs met. Subjugation and Unrelenting Standards

Subjugation- Is sacrificing your own needs/desires to please others or meeting their needs. Allowing others to control them these individuals usually enter into relationships with needy people who are too damaged to return the favor.

Unrelenting Standards-Is striving to excel high expectations of yourself. These individuals place excessive emphasis on achievement, money, and possessions as their standard of happiness and success.

Entitlement-Is associated with the ability to accept realistic limits in life. People who have this lifetrap have a king and queen mentality of wanting things not now, but right now. Believing they should get special service from others to make their desires happen right on the spot.

I want you to look over this list carefully then write down every single lifetrap that you believe has been holding you back. Be totally honest with yourself.

I will show you how to eliminate these traps tomorrow so you will no longer be held hostage.


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