Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Year End Report

At the end of the year I really like to look over and reflect upon all of my accomplishments. This gives me the opportunity to account for everything that I have done in my life.

This gives me time to analyze things I have achieved, gets me energized about the upcoming year and sets the stage for my future.

I look at my achievements in the following areas;

Financial Achievements
Mental Achievements
Academic Achievements
Career Achievements
Spiritual Achievements
Physical Achievements
Emotional Achievements

Then I list each of my accomplishments in those categories. By applying this method it helps me to stay focused upon where I am in life at this very moment.

I am not one for New Years resolutions. The reason is that more than half of the people who set New Years resolutions break them and abandon them.

Tomorrow, I will show you a quick method to set goals in each of the following categories I stated above. Until then be well and excel in all that you do.


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