Friday, December 02, 2005

Time 2 Be

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."
Margaret Thatcher (1925 - ) first woman in European history to be elected prime minister

I hope you enjoyed your week. I hope that you are taking advantage of the time allotted to you. Without further or do I want to share my time 2 be list with you.

Be Cool-Don’t sweat the small stuff. Why make mountains out of molehills? Keep a cool level head and do what you were born to do. Succeed in life by reflecting the image of God.

Be Optimistic-Learn to be optimistic when stuff hits the fan. The person who remains optimistic in tough times has found true optimism. It’s easy to be optimistic when things are going right.

Be Strategic-In your methods of handling things. Learn to deal. Delegate, elevate, activate, and learn to take rest breaks. You get more accomplished that way.

Be True to Yourself-Always be honest with yourself. You do yourself a serious disservice when you are not true to yourself. Please do not confuse your habits, beliefs and routines for you. They are not you. They are only fragments of who you truly are.

Be the Energizer Bunny-Stay connected to the source of all power-God. He is the only one that can keep you going and going and going. I am not telling you to stay busy. What I am suggesting is that you stay connected to the source of strength and follow your dreams full steam ahead. Work smarter not harder.

Be Passionate-If you are not passionate about yourself, your work or what you represent how do you expect anyone else to take you serious? Be passionate about the things you care about most.

It’s time to be all of the above. Now go out there and make me proud of you.


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