Friday, August 05, 2005

Emotional Escape Artists

Most of my life lifetraps held me captive. They literally controlled my relationships, my work ethic, parenting skills, the whole nine yards. There is nothing like being enslaved and not knowing that you are enslaved. Fortunately, I stumbled upon some very helpful information that changed my life.

I never even heard of a lifetrap, until reading through a book on psychology. I can’t remember the name of it, but it led me to really analyze myself, the lifetraps, and unknowingly I invested in some tapes that briefly discussed lifetraps in detail.

When I think of escaping from traps I think of Houdini. Houdini was an amazing escape artist who seemed to escape from serious traps and made it look easy. He escaped from a water torture cell, being buried alive, straight jackets, jail cells, handcuffed bridge jumps, padlocked crates thrown in rivers to name a few. He was an excellent escape artist.

By the time you finish reading this you will be an emotional escape artist par excel lance. One of the biggest mistakes we make when dealing with lifetraps is trying to ignore them. Once you know what your lifetrap is it is easier to eliminate it.

Abandonment, Mistrust & Abuse can be effectively eliminated by simply realizing that it exists. Once you find out the problem by going to its root you can remove it totally from your life. You must eliminate this thinking from your life. If not you will not be able to stay in a healthy or a stable one.

Accept the fact that everyone isn’t out to get you or do you in. Remember that abandonment, mistrust, and abuse have to do with what took place in your childhood family. The key to unlocking yourself from both lifetraps is to believe you can attract dependable people in your life who want to be there long-term.

Emotional Deprivation & Social Exclusion can be effectively dealt with by realizing that your perception of what is going on in your life is your reality. You need to be around people who can pour emotional value into your life. Make it your business to meet more people who enhance your life instead of being detrimental to your life.

Dependency & Failure can be effectively removed by attempting to do things that you have never tried. Oftentimes you will surprise yourself by what you are capable of doing. We need to learn how to do things upon our own more often. The more you do it the stronger you become.

Vulnerability & Defectiveness can be eliminated by realizing life is about living in the moment. Never live your life waiting for the next bad thing to happen, but enjoy the best things that are happening to you now.

Your defects do not define you they only identify that we are human. Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder never let the inability to see define their ability to be great. Take you focus off your defect so you can focus and work upon what you can perfect.

“My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.” Michael Jordan

“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

Subjugations & Unrelenting Standards can be eliminated by putting attending to out needs. Work more upon our self-improvement instead of spending too much time on self-sacrifice. Realize that our possession should never be a standard of our happiness and success. They are only the rewards we have picked up along the way.

When we allow ourselves to be controlled by our rewards we make them our gods and worship them. We make the rewards the rewards don’t make us.

Entitlement can be eliminated by realizing the world doesn’t revolve around you. No one can have all their desires right on the spot--not even kings and queens they still have to wait upon their royal servants to do what they desire.

Put yourself in the position of servant of someone else who thinks like this for a week, and then you will see yourself in a whole new light. You won’t like what you see either.

"If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think." Oprah Winfrey

“If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan


Blogger Nix said...

The book is "Reinventing Your Life" by Young & Klosko.

7:01 AM  

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