Friday, August 05, 2005


I missed a couple of days posting. I decided to give you 8 empowering examples to change your life right now. Enjoy making them a pert of your life today.

TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR CAPABILTIES: Make a full list of all of your talents, strengths, and abilities.

DEVELOP A MISSION STATEMENT: A mission statement defines what you want to do with your life as far as philanthropy, work, etc. This statement is a defining proposition of your life. Everything that you take on in life will reflect this in some way shape or form.

SELECTION PERFECTION: Find at least 4 things you can do that you’re passionate about. You have to strengthen these things to the point where they are at a great performance level. The better you become at these arts the stronger they will become and the more confidence you will gain.

BANK ON IT: Your four passions can bring you riches. You have to find out how you can parlay these talents or abilities into money making opportunities. Once you do start putting them to work for you.

BECOME YOUR OWN CHEERLEADER: You have to keep a very optimistic view on these talents and believe that you can be successful. You have to be you own master of motivation so you can excel in these areas. When people realize how enthusiastic you are they will be drawn to you.

GOAL SETTER & GOAL GETTER: Many people set goals but never follow through on their goals. People often set resolution for the year and within a month or so they renege on that resolution. Learn how to set short-term goals which lead to your mid-term goals and onto your long-term goals. Set goals that you feverishly desire to go after until they become reality.

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY 4 YOUR OWN HAPPINESS: Happiness is found internally not externally. Thousands of people believe happiness is found externally. They attempt finding happiness in acquiring material items, and people, yet they soon realize they are not happy. You must realize you have to do all the things you enjoy doing because they will make you happier.

HEALTH IS WEALTH: You have to take care of yourself better than you are doing now. Everyone could use some improvement in their health strategies. Be sure you get the appropriate rest, eat right and exercise in some way or form. The better you take care of your body the longer it will carry you.

"The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer." Nolan Bushnell


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