Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Skyrocket Success with the Opposite Sex Now

Yesterday we discussed one of the fastest ways to attracting more quality partners by utilizing hooks. If you did not read “Hooked Up” I suggest you by reading this piece before venturing into this post.

What Makes a Hook a Hook?
A hook is a particular style that others see in you and are drawn to it. A hook consists of body language, image projection, attitude, and last but not least your speech. It is an illuminated lure that draws people unto itself. It operates the same way a fishing hook with bait does for a person fishing.

The Power of a Hook
A hook magnetizes certain types of people to you quickly. You can attract several types of people by using multiple hooks at once. Let me crystallize my point so you can get a clearer picture of what I mean.

Derek uses several hooks to attract different types of women he likes. I will use two different scenarios so you can see Derek in action.

Scenario 1: Whenever Derek goes to clubs or lounges he utilizes two hooks, seduction and power to attract women. Derek knows there are women there who want to be seduced by someone powerful. When he enters these places women are quickly drawn to his hooks. Derek usually meets new women, gets telephone numbers, some one-night stands and generally has a very productive night when he combines these hooks.

Scenario 2:
Derek is presenting a seminar at a marketing convention. While eating inside the cafeteria Derek is approached by a beautiful, shapely, woman named Nancy who asks to join him. Nancy reveals to Derek that she finds him to be passionate, powerful, persuasive, humorous communicator, and comfortable to be around.

*Notice how Nancy is drawn by six different hooks all at once.

Then Derek reveals he could tell that Nancy was powerful, ambitious, focused, and charming before she even spoke with him.

Notice the difference in the two scenarios.

In scenario 1 Derek is able to use only two hooks to be several with women in the club/lounge settings.

In scenario 2 Derek uses multiple hooks to summon the attention of Nancy. She reveals 6 hooks that she notices about Derek and in exchange he reveals 4 of Nancy’s hooks.

I never utilize one hook unless I am in a lounge or certain environment. I utilize a minimum of 6 hooks and up to 15 at a time. These hooks magnetize many different types of women to me. The joy of it all is it gives me a broader selection to choose from.

What I want you to do for the rest of the week is test a few hooks for different situations and environments. Your success ratio for meeting people is about to blast through the roof. Remember the key to being successful is utilizing as many hooks as you possibly can to attract different types of potential partners.

I want you all to post your comments or e-mail me to share your experience with me. Tomorrow I have another special treat for you that will blow your socks off.


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