Monday, August 15, 2005

Unhealthy Relationships

The Dangers of an Unhealthy Relationship
Did you know getting involved in an unhealthy relationship is extremely dangerous to your health? Not only is it dangerous for you but to those closest to you as well. I say this because children usually follow the relationship patterns of their parents.

There are only two things that any relationship can do for you. This goes for any relationship such as business, monogamous, family, or friendship. Here are the two things that any relationship can do for you.

A relationship can be an enhancement to your life.
A relationship can be detrimental to your life.

Choosing the wrong mates has a lasting effect upon us, placing us into a spin cycle of unhealthy relationships. Whenever a person places themselves in dating or long-term relationships of this magnitude it has a domino effect upon your future relationships and all of your relationships for that matter.

One of the best examples is looking at the fictional character of Al Bundy from “Married with Children.”

The 10 Things an Unhealthy Relationship Can Manifest Into Your Life

1. Al had a promising football career in high school.

2. He was bursting with enthusiasm from being a star player of the team.

3. He met Peggy (an unhealthy mate) they got involved and she became pregnant.

4. He married Peggy who squandered Al’s hard earned money, wasn’t domestic, only cared about her well being and no one else’s.

5. Peggy never worked a job and never helped Al. (Woman is a man’s helpmeet)

6. Al worked as a shoe salesman whose self-esteem dropped faster than a lead balloon.

7. Not only was Al affected by his relationship with Peggy but so was his two children Bud and Kelly.

8. Bud was unpopular in school and suffered from low self-esteem like his father Al after he hooked up with Peggy. The effect this had came faster than Al’s bout with lowered expectations and self-esteem.

9. Kelly was very popular because she slept around the same way her mother did.

10. This relationship between Al and Peggy contributed to thier whole famly living in misery.

The worst 3 things an unhealthy relationship does are:
1. Set your internal switch to attract more unhealthy relationships
2. Breaks your spirit
3. Making people give up on love (the strongest power in the universe next to the Holy Spirit). God designed you to be loved and spread His love to the world.


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