Monday, August 22, 2005

The Great Relationship Challenge
"It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated... it is finished when it surrenders." Ben Stein Professor and Writer

I feel like I shortchanged you last week. So I will continue where I left on the theme of relationships this week.

Have you given up on finding a mate with potential for a healthy long-term relationship you have relinquished the opportunity to experience the greatest gift known to mankind? The gift of love is a beautiful thing.

Many of the heartaches and heartbreaks we experience are self inflicted. There are many times we get involved with people while ignoring certain signs that should alert us that this person may not be the one for us.

Everyone who has a great personality, good morality and beliefs don’t make the person right for you. What if I told you that everything that you thought about relationships were wrong?
We sometimes get caught up on those misty relationship movies like Notebook, You’ve Got Mail, Jerry Maguire, Love and Basketball, the Brothers, and Love Jones.

Relationships don’t always work like they do in the movies. Then there are those that can.
My challenge to all of you is whatever your ideas, beliefs, or concepts are upon dating and relationships put them aside for a few days. I want to introduce you to a way that will not only change your life but will eliminate 85% of your heartbreaks.

I promise those of you who willfully take this relationship challenge will be surprised at how your dating situation and relationship situation changes. Strap on your seatbelts to prepare for the ride of your life.

I hope that you not only enjoy what I have in store for you this week but that your relationship life will miraculously change. I want to hear from you if it does and feel free to share this information with everyone that you know will benefit from it. Tomorrow the journey towards majestic heights begins.


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