Monday, August 08, 2005

The Conditioning of Champions

Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision. Muhammad Ali

I love this quote because it is simply dynamic. All last week we talked about the power of your emotions and how to change your life. This week I want to touch on how to be a champion in every aspect of your life.

Here are some champions I admire Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Muhammad Ali. I believe there is something special about all of these champions I just named. Keep in mind that there are champions who perform at high levels on their playing field. What is so special about these champions is that they perform at high levels upon every scale of their lives.

Michael Jordan earned the nickname Air Jordan for the way he soared on the basketball court. However, his championship ability was not limited to the basketball court. He is a prominent rich business man and living icon.

Magic Johnson dazzled us with his performance upon the basketball courts. His championship ability is still being displayed to the world in his business endeavors and fight against HIV.

Lance Armstrong just won his 7th Tour de Force and has been fighting against cancer ever since he has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Muhammad Ali transformed his sport by becoming the world’s most adored athlete. He continues to show his championship ability by fighting against Parkinson’s disease

Do you have what it takes to be a champion in every aspect of your life? You most certainly do.

The Mentality of a Champion
It all starts with knowing you are a champion. Know that you have within you the amazing ability to do miraculous things. The championship mentality begins by knowing whatever arena you step into you are entering with the determination, mental focus and drive to give your best.

The Dedication of a Champion
Your life is dedicated to being all that you can be in your area of interest. You are not competing against someone else but against yourself. In order to set high standards for yourself it is best to have a model to follow but only compete against yourself. Champions dedicate their whole life to excellence. You are a champion.

What are you dedicating yourself to? What arena will you enter and show the world your championship ability? What legacy will you leave? What records do you plan on breaking? Whatever they are “just do it” like Nike-the world is your oyster.


Blogger Black Wombmyn Chat said...

"Champions are made from something they have deep inside them.."

True. It can't come from outside motivation--has to be from within.

11:06 PM  

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