Friday, August 12, 2005

The 555 Deal

Forget about Dominos 555Deal. I have a 555deal that will help you become a greater champion in the arena of life. It wont cost you one red cent either. My plan consists of 5 powerful questions, 5 action suggestions, and 5 websites to keep you on top of your game so you can master your sport.

I expect nothing but the best from you champions.

5 Powerful Questions 2 Step Your Game Up
1. What training are you doing to improve your skills and your performance?

2. Who are your business, spiritual, and leadership heroes and why should study and implement some of the strategies that unleashed their greatness?

3. Why you must develop your 11 empowering goals to become a greater athlete in the course of life? These empowering goal categories are: Physical objects, health, family, financial, social, spiritual, mental, career, relational, travel & vacation and personality.

4. Why you need to name and then eliminate all bad investments in your life? (These investments are negative people, places, and things.)

5. What can I do right now to help others who need my help?

5 Powerful Actions 2 Maximize Your Performance
1. Maximize your time by keeping a planner/calendar. By utilizing your time wisely you can accomplish more in less time. Never put too much on your plate because it only makes you full, sluggish, unproductive, sick and eventually kills you.

2. Develop a list of everything that makes you happy and stick to the script. Life will feel more enjoyable and more productive.

3. Come up with 3 ways to strengthen 5 of your talents.

4. Be grateful more often than usual.

5. Always be prepared for whatever comes your way. It is in being prepared for life’s little opportunities that gigantic possibilities change your life miraculously.

5 Powerful Websites 2 Make you a Winner
1. Bob Proctor's site offers great motivational quotes to start your day Mon.-Thur. and an inspirational story on friday.

2. Jim Rohn is a world reknown business philosopher who offfers a very powerful free newsletter that contains great motivational stories you can apply to your life where you are now. His site also contains great articles that you can read now. Go sign up today.

3. James Allen inspired millions and was a major influence of the whole self-imporvement industry. Go and download his classic As a Man Thinketh e-book free and sign up for his e-meditation e-mail.

4. Salad is an NLP site launched by Jamie Smart who is a Managing Director, Founder of Salad and general NLP genius. His site gives you great tips on Neurolinguistic Programming for programming you mind for success. Sign up for his free newsletter.

5. Mark Victor Hansen is co-author of one of the most successful self-help books of all times "Chicken Soup for the Soul." He offers a free newsletter dedicated to helping you become the best that you can be, so go sign up.


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