Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Win or Lose

I seem to find sore losers to be very funny people. In the course of life I have learned to win and learned to lose. You have to take the bitter with the sweet. I can’t imagine living my life as a winner who never lost at anything. That is not possible in the real world; although it might be nice.

Now back to sore losers. I have a younger cousin that hates to lose. He gets it from his father who happens to be a sore loser as well. It is always fun watching them go through those tantrums and yelling out"I don't want to play anymore" when they lose. Whenever you come to the point in life where you must always win in something it puts a serious emotional strain upon you.

Remember years ago the mother who killed a rival teenager so her daughter would have better odds at being the better cheerleader. What about those individuals who take steroids to enhance their performance? Some people will do just about anything to be a winner. However you can't win them all.

True champions learn to live with winning and losing. They go hand and hand making you a better more refined athlete. In life I often had heart wrenching loses but I also win a lot. I would say that it is a pretty good balance of the two. The joy of losing is you get the enlightening opportunity to see what you can improve upon in your game.

Losing is a learning experience for you to step your game plan up. What have you been losing at? Have you been losing in relationships? Have you been losing in business? Have you been losing financially? If so I challenge you to step your game up.

“Life's difficulties do not keep you from greatness. They show you to its door.” Alan Cohen

Muhammad Ali’s record is 56 Wins, 5 Loss, and 37 Knockouts. I would say that is excellent for the G.O.A.T (Greatest of all Time). Tiger Woods Woods, 29, won the Masters in April and the British Open last month for his ninth and 10th career major championship titles. He became the youngest to win all four of the Grand Slam titles twice. Tiger has had his share of wins and loses that have not stopped him from being the greatest golfer alive today. Keep in mind he is still a very young man.

"You've got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing." Arthur Ashe

The best have learned win or lose they are still champions. Tomorrow see what separates Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Muhammad Ali from other athletes. We will learn the keys of being a champion in the master arena of life.


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