Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Championship Vision

I want to talk about championship vision. There is nothing like championship vision because it helps you see beyond the situation, your limitations, problems that will arise and beyond negative feelings.

All of these factors play a major part in the lives of us all. However, championship vision helps you visualize your dream so vividly that YOU allow nothing to disrupt the view of your dream and empowers you to strive towards your desires full steam ahead.

I championship vision starts by having an idea of an accomplishment that you would like to pursue or a record you intend to break that was set by someone else. Now I will show you how to have championship vision to make you a champion athlete in life.

I. What dream/record do want to break?
Condition your mind to be prepared for the task ahead by being optimistically pessimistic. I know that both of these words placed together give off a contradictory projection. However, you need to be optimistic to know you can do what you plan to do and pessimistic about some of the obstacles that you will face pursuing your goal.

Designing your very own workout regimen. Writing down every thing you will do to move towards your goal. The more detailed it is the better sense of direction you will have.

Implementing Your Workout. Sticking to your script is the best way to reach your goal quicker and more effectively. Oftentimes people make goals but they stray from them a bit

II. Putting Yourself at the Finish Line
Always visualize yourself acquiring your dream or setting your record. Do it very often so that it will become brighter and clearer to you. Remember Martin Luther King lived his dream daily doing everything in his power to make the dream come true. He worked at his dream everyday seeing the finishing results of his work in his mind. However, he never had the chance to see what his efforts have accomplished.

Most of the greatest athletes have been able to place themselves at the finish line before actually reaching it. If you cannot see yourself be a super achiever you will never be, if you can’t see yourself being a great parent you will never be, if you can’t see yourself being successful you will never be. Put yourself at the finish line in your mind by visualization, so there will be a manifestation of your dream.

What are you waiting for? Go out there, be the best that you can be, work on making your dream come true or breaking that record and enjoy yourself while you’re at it.


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