Thursday, October 20, 2005

Stag Parties

A stag party is another name for a bachelor party. This is where the groom to be has his last hoorah with his boys, to say farewell to the single life.

I want to look at stag parties not in their traditional sense, but in another sense.

At this party people are experiencing a different type of celebration. Some people planned to come to the party, some showed up and others just ended up their.

This party is a stagnation party. A stagnation party is where people gather together to shoot the breeze about mediocrity, procrastination and complaints. There are tempting strippers who are masters of distraction. They do things to keep your eyes on them and off the prize.

"Stagnation comes from floating in the status quo. Accepting what is, instead of searching for what could be." Jane Fraser Wizard of Ads Partner

I have been to a stagnation party before. Don’t ask me when or how I made it to the stag party? I just want you to know that the stag party goes on and on. It never stops. Believe me, the longer you stay mingling in that environment the harder it becomes to leave.

Have you ever been to one?

There are lawyers, doctors, public officials, accountants, actors, and entertainers who attend stag parties too.

You may have been to a stag party for writers before, or maybe it was a party for tired professionals who have given up on their dreams.

Whatever kind it is get out of there, you are not supposed to be their.

I had to leave the party. The other people at the party told me to "stay relax and enjoy yourself".

My dream said "it is time to leave and walk into your destiny".

The crowd said “a stag party is the best party”.
My dreams told me "ignore those people and walk in the greatness that shall lead to your divine destiny."

The crowd roared about the music, the strippers, and the ambiance of the stag party.
My dreams said “leave this place, for you are not here to party you are here to write your testament to the world.”

Guess what? My dreams won.

Don’t give up on your dreams. Get out of that stag party. We all end up at stag parties at sometime in our lives. However, don’t stay there. Get on your grind to make things happen for yourself and embrace excellence.

“It is common to find young men ardent and diligent in the pursuit of knowledge; but the progress of life very often produces laxity and indifference; and not only those who are at liberty to choose their business and amusements, but those likewise whose professions engage them in literary inquiries, pass the latter part of their time without improvement, and spend the day rather in any other entertainment than that which they might find among books."Johnson: Idler #94 (February 2, 1760)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Time 2 Change

Time waits for no one. Time is very important to me. So I thought that I would share this thought on time with you very briefly.

Have you ever categorized all of your unproductive activities (thieves of time) that you partake in?

Watching hours of television, telephone gossiping, procrastinating and the list goes on and on. Make up your own list of those unproductive activities that you find yourself doing on a regular schedule.

Now write down how much time you spend doing each of these activities upon your list in the course of a week. Then tally up a total number of hours that you utilize these activities.

How much time do you waste doing unproductive activities?

Time is one of the most valuable treasures in the world. However, a person’s time depreciates, but the value of time skyrockets with each day that passes and never loses its worth. Time is only thing that we constantly lose and can never regain in life.

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of.” Benjamin Franklin

The sand of our lives is slipping through the hour glass of existence. The key to living the best possible life that we can is learning to utilize our time more efficiently. So that time works for us instead of against us.

“Time hasn't stopped for any troubles, heartaches, or any other malfunctions of this world, so please don't tell me it will stop for you. “ C.S.Lewis

The time to change is now.

"One cannot buy, rent or hire more time. The supply of time is totally inelastic. No matter how high the demand, the supply will not go up. There is no price for it. Time is totally perishable and cannot be stored. Yesterday's time is gone forever, and will never come back. Time is always in short supply. There is no substitute for time. Everything requires time. All work takes place in, and uses up time. Yet most people take for granted this unique, irreplaceable and necessary resource." ~ Peter F. Drucker

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Skyrocket Your Success in Life Now

Happy New Year to all of my Jewish Friends. I have been celebrating the benefits of the high Holy days as well. This is the only post that I am doing for the week. Enjoy.

McDonalds and Burger King came up with a brilliant scheme to supersize their meals with larger french-fries and drinks. I want to show you a very quick way to skyrocket your success in life right now.

Your Talents are a Gift to Share with the World
Your talents are gifts from God to be utilized and shared with the world. In the Bible Jesus talks about the parable of the talents in the book of Matthew 25:14-30. A man about to go on a journey gave his servants talents. To the first person he entrusted 5 talents, the second 2 talents and the third person one talent.

The first two utilized their talents while the last one buried his. The first two men doubled their talents while the one who buried his talent gained none. The last servant was called foolish for burying his talent, it was taken from him and his talent was giving to the man with the ten and he was thrown out.

The moral of the story is use your talents/ gifts or lose it.

The other two servants doubled what they had because they utilized their talents.

Turbocharge Your Talents
My message to you today is this. You may only think your gift or talent is writing. Your writing may develop to creating seminars for people. It can also lead to motivational seminars and so on.

So stop looking at your gift as if it is too small. You may be a good cook. You may start cooking for people and develop great hospitality skills, gain the gift of conversation and the list goes on. See how much bigger your talent pool becomes.

Skyrocketing Your Success Now

Now you are about to take your life to the next level by just utilizing your strengths, talents and gifts. This is like investing in great stocks in the business world. The rewards are phenomenal. So the quicker you start using your talents the faster you will skyrocket your success.

I will leave you with this thought to live the rest of your life by.

"Use your gifts faithfully, and they shall be enlarged; practice what you know, and you shall attain to higher knowledge." -- Matthew Arnold