Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Thanksgiving is Everyday

I must say that I love when thanksgiving comes around. The aroma of all those scrumptious dishes that make your mouth salivate and clearing your nose. Let the eating begin. Ok I am getting a little ahead of myself.

Thanksgiving is celebrated in November each year. However, everyday we should be thankful for seeing another day. Thankful for all of the many different things we have in our lives. Each day we arise we should be thankful for our friends, family and many blessings bestowed upon us all.

I wish you and your family all the best on this Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Failing Your Way to Success

I was a math whiz before algebra. I quickly went from Superman without a weakness to Superman in a room full of kryptonite. It couldn’t get the formulas down right for a while.

My math test scores went from the top 10 papers to the lowest in the class. Mr. Valenottti put all of his student’s papers on the board in the back of the class. My paper looked as if it had been drowned in his red sea of grading. Ouch.

However, I eventually failed my way to success. I began acing algebra tests. Failure fired me up to the top of the class. You can learn a lot from failure.

Are you failing in your relationships? Maybe you have been attracting the wrong type of people in your search for a mate.

Are you failing in getting your book published? John Grisham’s A Time to Kill manuscript was rejected by 28 publishers before he found an unknown publisher who was wiling to do a short run of it. A Time to Kill only sold a disappointing 5,000 copies.

Yet this did not discourage him in his dreams of being a writer. Grisham started on his next book The Firm which he sold movie rights for a hefty price before the book was even finished. This catapulted him to super-success.

So stop looking as if failure has the last say.

“Failure is one of the best ways to stumble upon success.” Arthur R. Barnes

“Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” Abraham Lincoln

Friday, November 18, 2005

The Formula 4 Getting What U Want

Before I start this post I want to share something with you about myself. I am a spoiled person who is used to getting what I want faster. Since my personal formula has been effective I want to share it with you. They say you must use what works in life.

So without further or do here is my simple formula. It is one of the quickest ways to get what you want.

1. Know what you want. Clarity is king. So whether you want a new car, a new job, house, or a mate. Being clear about what you want is top priority.

2. Ask God for it.

3. You deserve to have what you want beyond a shadow of doubt. You are worthy to receive your desire.

4. Believe you are capable of acquiring your desire.

5. Create vivid pictures of yourself enjoying your new item. Make sure these pictures are locked into your mind. If it is a car imagine driving in that black Cadillac Escalade, the wind blowing against your face while you’re listen to that new Mariah Carey CD. Make sure to put emotion into it and add the elements.

6. Be sure you add your senses to your picture. Add the element of sound, sight and touch to it.

7. Believe that you are a magnet attracting your very desire as you speak it.

8. Get thankful about it before it arrives.

These 8 formulated steps provide me with an abundance of my desires. It can happen to you too. Remember practice makes perfect. Practice this method until it becomes second nature to you.

The more you receive what you want the more you will fall in love with the method and continue to use it. May blessings fall upon you in avalanches of abundance and peace flow through you in refreshing rivers deeper than the Atlantic Ocean.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Code of Success

Do you want to be more successful in your endeavors? Here is a sure-fire code of the successful.

Commitment- Stay committed to your dreams. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” Dale Carnegie

Optimistic- Keep an optimistic look on life. “The measure of a man is the way he bears up under misfortune.” -Plutarch

Desire- Strive to be all that you can be.

Endurance- Never quit. Keep a death before dishonor mentality until you achieve your hopes and desires.

Opportunity- There is always an opportunity for growth on your part.

Focus- Focus, Focus, Focus. I can not stress this enough. Keep a steady focus upon that what you desire and want.

Set up for something super- "Whenever God wants to give us a gift, he wraps it up in a problem." Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Understanding- Wisdom always gets your further than knowledge does. Knowing how to apply your personal knowledge to your life situations will get you through many of dark nights.

Create-Remember God created us in His image. That means we have to design the best life possible for ourselves.

Control Fear-Learn to control your fears and not wallow in the mud of your fears the way a pig does mud. There is nothing wrong with experiencing fear. I am not telling you to an unemotional robot.

Enthusiasm-“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

Start Now- There is no time like the present to make things happen. Stop procrastinating and get busy.

Stop-Stop complaining and start maintaining the life you truly want to have.

In closing I say to you my friends. Apply it. Live it. Love it. Master it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Drop it and Get Rid of It

I have a habit of carrying a large bag with me daily to work. Since I am a writer I always keep various tools at my finger tips. When others attempt to carry my bag they ask what do you have inside this bag? I often laugh then respond by saying my books that I am reading and all of my writing essentials.

I am slowly learning to wean myself off of the bag and carry a folder with my tools in it. The same way I lug around a heavy bag filled with writing essentials there are many people who are holding on to their own bags.

I am not talking about a writer’s bag such as mines. I am talking about bags of issues. What I am about to share with you can save you tons of headaches and heartache.

Some people have little brown bags while others have Hefty garbage bags.

Some people have back packs and some people have army sacks.

Some people have Samsonite suitcases while others carry trunks.

Some people carry so much baggage that you would think they are an airport baggage area.

I want to share something with you. Whatever size bag that you are carrying you can get rid of the size and go for something a little more compact. Just start there and move down as you go. Until eventually you have no more bags left. Your burdens will no longer be heavy on your back. No longer will they give you wear and tear on your body.

It is your job to let things go. Life will be a whole lot better for you if you do. I want to leave you with this. Stop holding on to those bags for dear life! They are only slowing you down. They are only breaking you down.

Can you imagine what our houses would smell like if we continued filling our hefty bags with trash and never disposed of them? The stench alone would kill us. The same way we get rid of our trash bags we need to get rid of our issue bags. Let them go.

Don’t walk around carrying all those bags on your back.

"Suffering is not holding you, you are holding suffering. When you become good at the art of letting suffering go, then you'll come to realize what you were dragging around with you. And for that, no one else other than you was responsible. The truth is that existence wants your life to become a festival...because when you are unhappy, you also throw unhappiness all around." ~Osho

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Forget the Critics and Complainers

I have 3 co-workers who stand out more than any of the others. The first is Sasha who complains about everything. In October we almost had almost half of month off because of Jewish holidays.

She complained about having all of those days off in October because she couldn’t do all of her work. If you could earn a degree from complaining then Sasha would have MBA?

The next co-worker is in executive management. I will call her Catherine. She has a PHD in criticizing people, places and things. She looks for everything that doesn’t meet her criteria. Her whole life is based on criticizing others. The funny thing is in her eyes she is never wrong or out of order. This is a very sad life to lead.

Finally the last co-worker Melba is a critic as well. She has a MBA in criticizing people, places and things.

I have lived long enough to realize some people are never satisfied with anything. They complain when it is sunny, raining or snowing it doesn’t make a difference. I have learned to just accept the fact that in life you will meet critics and complainers.

Critics don’t usually get along with complainers. Often when I see a critic and a complainer together they get into some kind of argument or spat.

In life you will always run into critics and complainers. Some of them will critique you to break your spirit of motivation. Some will critique because they have no life or no good use for their talents. Some people will complain because they are never satisfied.

I came to tell you forget the critics and complainers. You do what you do. Do not allow them to stop your flow.

In the boxing ring of life you have to fight several opponents. You don’t need critics and complainers in your corner. Keep them out of your corner. They have nothing to pour into your life.

If you keep them close to you their boos and chants will throw off your game plan. If you allow this to happen the opponents you have to face will get the best of you. Keep critics and complainers at a distance. So they won’t bother your dreams, effect your determination and your drive to be victorious in the boxing ring of life.

"It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows in the end the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Student of Situations

“Study the situation thoroughly, go over in your imagination the various courses of action possible to you and the consequences which can and may follow from each course. Pick out the course which gives the most promise and go ahead."
- Dr. Maxwell Maltz

“You think you know it all” my cousin roared at me. I smiled then replied “I don’t think I know everything cousin. I make it my business to be very well versed in many areas. I am a student of situational solutions." This not only silenced him, but chiseled bewilderment upon his face.

There is no greater joy to be well versed in many areas of life. I mean at gatherings I am a wealth words to bestow upon total strangers. When most conversations come up I am never at a loss for words. When faced with dilemmas I have a vast storehouse of solutions. I take pride in being a solution oriented instead of being solution disoriented.

There are all kinds of students in life. Today we will look at the student of situational solutions.

Many people are prone to focus on problems more than focusing upon a solution. You may ask yourself the question "what happens when a person focuses on a problem more than they focus upon a solution? What happens is fear, worry, doubt and unworthiness to tackle our current problem overcasts our minds. Leaving us paralyzed with procratination and mediocrity.

When people focus on solutions more than they do upon their problems, they cause the wheels of change roll into action. Then our changing solutions begin to roll over our problems and we roll out on top of things. Instead of being rolled over by our problems and left for dead.

In order to be a student of situations we must not only analyze what we are faced with daily. We must study solutions because they are master keys that can unlock trillions of treasures.

Stop being a student of problems/complaints and become a student of situations so you can become more effective at eliminating problems. Fixating your mind on strategic planning will help it find easier solutions.

"Become a possibilitarian. No matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities -- always see them, for they're always there. "~ Dr. Norman Vincent Peale

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election Day Blues

It’s Election Day all over again here in NY. Rock the vote, rap the vote, vote or die, all of those slogans and no good candidates running for the Mayor’s seat. I am not here to endorse anyone. However, I will say this if I was from Jersey I would be happy it is Election Day.

I think New Jersey’s race for Governor is more exciting than the race to see who will be New York’s Mayor. I never thought I would say that, but I must let the truth be told.

I am posting this so all of you who are registered to vote get out there and vote.

Make sure you make your vote count. I have friends and family who don’t feel motivated to vote. I know how it feels to not be excited or enthusiatic about voting.

You might be suffering from the Election Day blues. I have been there before.

Well the only cure for the Election Day blues is get out there and vote. The weather is nice outside. You might get to leave work early. Go pull that lever if you haven’t done it already.

People died to have the privilege to vote. So go out there and cast your vote. If you don’t like whose running fro office then maybe you should be preparing yourself to get out there to get on the ballot next time around.

Stop talking about what is not right with this candidate and wrong with the other. Go do something about it. President John F. Kennedy once said “Don't ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Sorry Becomes You

I have a saying that I tell people who make me upset. It goes like this "if you use sorry too many times to me sorry becomes you."

We use the words "I am sorry" like Visa or Mastercard charge cards to get us out of tight jams. In fact, there are people who use it just to get by. Running up massive charges. People should prove they are sorry. This is the best way to show others that you are genuinely sorry for your transgressions against them. How often do you throw around the word sorry to people that you offend? Think about it?

Stop saying sorry. Get into the habit of acting as if you really are sorry for what you have done to someone else. People who act sorry for their transgressions against another, see less burned bridges in their paths and behind them.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sorry, I Can’t Read It

My eyes were bothering me for a couple of days. I put it off until it became a week or so. Then on Wednesday of last week I went to get my eyes checked. When the Optometrist called me in to take the test I was a bit nervous. I hate having to read the lines out loud.

There I sat in the chair, looking at the chart, and saying to myself my eyes are really jacked up. She asked me to read the last line. I replied "sorry, I can’t read it." Then she asked me to read the line above it. I struggled with that line and she made adjustments with the machine so I could see a lot better.

I also found out one of my eyes have a stigmatism. Which means the shape of one is different from the other. It also says just how screwed up my eyes have become since my last pair of eyeglasses were broken. I should have replaced them when they were broken but I waited foolishly.

Before going to the optometrist I squinted to see things at a certain distance.

Before going to the optometrist my eyes felt very weak, heavy, and strained.

Before going to the optometrist I was getting headaches that left me feeling a bit dizzy.

The funny thing is there are a lot of people walking around in life the same way. They have their very own stigmatism. They have something wrong with their focus.

I am not talking about an optometry problem. I am talking about a problem of mental conditioning that keeps a person from focusing on what is important in life.

Focus is the one thing that keeps people locked into our goals, visions, and aspirations in life.

When people don’t have concentrated focus upon a specific thing their focus is on many areas at once. When your focus is on many things at the same time it zaps your energy, makes you unproductive, too busy and not sharp.

Focus on one thing at a time. There is nothing wrong with multitasking to do things that you have to do. However, you do not multi-task focus on 20 things you have to complete. You must focus on one thing at a time. When the task is done move on to the next one.

"Having conceived of his purpose, a person should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement, looking neither to the right nor left." - As A Man Thinketh

Don't get caught up saying "I can't read it" like I was before going to see the optometrist. Set your focus upon your dreams. Stay focused on that what you want to achieve in life. Stay focused until your desire is completed and walk in completeness towards your destiny.