Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Making Change Happen

I have an uncle who had open heart surgery done in March. He has been a smoker for many years. Despite his operation and going through his recovery process he has not given up smoking. They say that the older you get the harder it is to change your ways. I have wondered why it is so hard for people to change.

Change can be easy for some and fairly hard for others. Change doesn’t just happen. It has to go through five distinct stages in order for it to happen. Each stage holds a significant key to our progress in pursuing change.

I have found this to be true in different instances in life. I want to reveal the five stages that lead to change. I will also share a few ways you can change faster than usual.

The 5 Stages of Change
The Precontemplation Stage is really when you are in the unaware of a problem or situation. I call this the “Duh” moment, where you have no intention of changing because you do not even realize your situation or problem exists.

The Contemplation Stage is when we recognize something needs to be changed in or situation or problem, but we haven’t committed ourselves to action that will make change happen in our lives.

The Preparation Stage is when we decide to take action. We may have a set date to start or just believe that we need to do it very soon in the next couple of weeks or month. This brings us to a place where we need all the courage & encouragement, to motivate us to step out of our familiar place into permanent change.

I call this the “New school experience,” where we are venturing out to a new school of experience that is unfamiliar to us, where we will meet new people, challenges and develop better habits.

The Proceeding Stage is where you decide to move forward in you endeavor and take the bull by the horns. We design a step by step process to overcome our situation or problems. This is when we stop talking about it and start walking into a new path. I call this the “Star Trek experience” where we boldly go where no man has gone before.

The Maintenance Stage is where we work on our newly ventured endeavor, making sure we pay attention to our gains, prevent losses and stay on the new path that we have chosen to make this change a new healthy habit.

Quickest Ways 2 Change
The quickest way to influence change is by head and your heart. In fact, the heart is the one that really persuades us to pursue change or purchase things. So it is very important we utilize our emotions when we decide we need to make a needed change in our lives.
Whatever you practice for 24 days or more becomes a habit.
Asking Yourself Powerful Questions
Ask yourself powerful questions to get you through the changing process. We can utilize powerful how and what questions to help us make a decision quicker about changing.

Here are 2 suggestions:

How many ways will my new rainy day fun help me with my finances?
What other ways can I make money to add to my new rainy day fund?

Stop Negative Self-Talk
We are one of the most powerful hindrances to our changing ourselves and our lives. We have a way of talking about everything that we cannot do or put up with in life. The more we tell ourselves these negative statements the more our subconscious mind agrees with us and continues to make our erroneous beliefs a reality.

Whenever you find yourself saying “I can’t” stop your sentence and do not continue with your statement.

Rephrase negative statements by saying:
“In the past, I have been unsuccessful in relationships, however I am now attracting more eligible mates who meet my needs and vice versa.”

“In the past, I was clueless with handling my finances, however now I am educating myself by reading books, listening to CD’s on financial wealth and sharing this with my family. I now know how to attract more money making opportunities, handle money, and save money and it feels great.”

Be Action Oriented
Stop procrastinating with the things that you want to do. Stop contemplating about starting things.

"Behold the turtle: He only makes progress when he sticks his neck out." James Bryant Conant 1893-1978, Educator and Diplomat

“Just Do It” Nike’s Slogan
"Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!" Anne Frank

"Do not wait; the time will never be 'just right.' Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along." Napoleon Hill

Now go make change happen today.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Performing on a Higher Level

On my block everyone praised me for my athletic ability. I was always picked first in a stickball, baseball, and basketball games. There was something that I realized early on in life I will share with you.

I had two very powerful parents who overcame various obstacles to do impossible things. My father only had a second grade education, he was forced to support his family at a very young age, he was one of the wisest men I ever knew who excelled in real estate and lived a good life before he died.

Doctors and specialists told my mother because of Polio she would never walk again. However, she told the doctors and all her teachers in high school she would walk down the aisle to receive her high school diploma. Sure enough she proved the specialist, doctors and even shocked her teachers when she walked down the isle to receive her diploma.

The example of my parent’s struggles enlightened me how to perform on a higher level.

Some people label me as very competitive. I have always wanted to be the best at whatever I pursue or do in life. However, I never compete against anyone-but myself. I was all American as a teenager. I was good at various sports.

I am dedicated to excellence by being the very best person I can be in various areas of my life. You may want to be a better parent, lover, business person, entrepreneur, student, or athlete, or maybe something else I failed to name here.

Today I just want to share with you 4 fantastic ways in which you can perform on a higher level in any area of your life.

Mental Projection 2 Be Victorious
I have noticed that most of the greatest achievers in life all have a mental projection to be victorious in their area of choice. They have a unique power to focus upon the finish line of their course before they start the race.

Dedication Destroys Discouragement
Great athletes stay dedicated to success and will not let anything discourage their vision to be victorious. Dedicate yourself to you dreams, goals and aspirations so you never lose focus of them on your quest.

Never Get Comfortable Where You Are
Being comfortable in life where you are can be dangerous. When I get comfortable at home, I sit in my lazyboy chair and recline. This deepens my comfort level eventually lulling me to sleep.

Too many people are comfortable where they are in life. Eventually many will also fall asleep, when some of them awaken they’ll notice how much more they could have accomplished in life, but then it might be too late for some of them. Do not allow this to happen to you.

Go From Good to Great
Never become satisfied. Always stay hungry to achieve more and become better at your craft. You go from good to great by strengthening your strengths daily. Dedicate an allotted time an hour or so on each skill you possess so your skills can be mastered.

"If you want to take your mission in life to the next level, if you're stuck and you don't know how to rise, don't look outside yourself. Look inside. Don't let your fears keep you mired in the crowd. Abolish your fears and raise your commitment level to the point of no return, and I guarantee you that the Champion Within will burst forth to propel you toward victory." ~ Bruce Jenner

You can change your life in this moment... if you so choose... and commit to your choice. -- E.R. Haas, CEO

Monday, August 29, 2005

The Desire 2 Change
One evening while having a telephone coaching session with a life coach, she made a very profound statement that went “Arthur you can’t save everyone, there are people who don’t want to change, who are comfortable in their own skin.”

I listened to the words echoing throughout the halls of my mind without speaking a word. These words stopped me in my tracks. I already know I couldn’t save everyone. My Life Purpose Statement is dedicated to helping as many people change their lives for the better.

My coach was right. There are people who want to change, don’t have the desire to change, and finally those who want to change but don’t know how to change. What shall we do with those who don’t have the desire to change? I address those who want to change their lives for the better.

For those of you who read self-help books, attend seminars, classes, church, synagogue, and temples this is for you.

Those who have no desire to change you may want to abort now, because I don’t want to put any pressure on you to change your life. If you satisfied with your current performance leveling life, your business and bad relationships then more power to you. It is your prerogative to live that way and settle.

For those who desire to change Awakening Excellence is the place to be right now. You need to change in order to receive a different outcome than the ones you have been already receiving.

I know there are several people who just don’t want to change. I also know that there are millions of people who want the best. Let me sum that up by saying this, in order to receive the best then you have to act the best or be to the best.

You cannot be mediocre and expect the best. You either have to psyche yourself to be the best or change to be the best. It is just that simple. I recall when I was in public school I had a problem with algebra. It bugged me a great deal because I was a math wiz until algebra came along.

I did everything in my power to make better grades upon my tests. However, I was trapped like a lab mouse stuck in a maze without a clue. One day it clicked and I aced the test and never had problem with algebra or math again.

I share that to share this with you. There are times when everything is just going right or feels right. Then a situation arises that forces you to change, not because you want to, but because you have to change.

There are people who want to change but don’t know how. This week I will give you several methods to change your life.
Here are five surefire ways to change your life.

Acknowledge Your Current Place/Situation in Life.

Work on finding solutions to your present situation (You read this blog everyday which is dedicated to change).

You must dedicate the rest of your life to change to become equipped for anything that lies ahead.

You need the endurance to stick to the script until you experience change.

Let no one dissuade you from your commitment to change your life for the better.

Friday, August 26, 2005

What Oprah or Dr. Phil Can’t Teach you About Dating & Relationships?

Oprah Winfrey is simply phenomenal. Every day she is impacting people’s lives. Dr. Phil’s fan base is growing more and more each day. However, when it comes to relationships there are certain things they just can’t teach you-but I can.

I am launching a new blog this Monday, August 29, 2005, on relationships entitled “Richer Relationships.” If you enjoyed what you have learned over the last 2 weeks about relationships you will adore what this blog will offer you.

Alright enough with the sales pitch. I promised to knock your socks off yesterday. Unfortunately, I was bogged down with a big project and never had the opportunity to do so. However, you will not be denied because I aim to please.

Without further or do lets get this party started.

The Real Reason Many Relationships End
People don’t fall out of love as a lot of people teach. What actually happens is one party falls out of attraction with the other. That is the reason why when people leave a relationship they tend to say I don’t know what happened but the spark isn’t there anymore.

What 2 Do If You Fall Out of Attraction?
When people fall out of attraction it is both parties job to work on seduction and amplifying attraction. Leaving shouldn’t be the first thing that you do. It should be the last thing you do if you are in a meaningful and healthy relationship.

Here are 5 Strategies 2 Stir the hornets Nest of Seduction and Amplify Attraction
Love people upon their frequency, not our own. We human beings are selfish when it comes to sharing our feelings with others. We generally love our partners the way we want to be loved. However, true love is unselfish, bestowing love in the way our partner desires to receive it.

Know everything about your lover that turns you on. Make sure you praise them for doing those things. The reason is they will get excited and continue to perfect it.

Learn to do more things together with your mate. The family that plays and prays together stays together.

Be grateful you have your partner in your life. Learn to appreciate your partner for being themselves.

The Biggest Lie Taught About Relationships
We are often told that we have to have several things in common with the partner that we are with or have our eyes upon. However, that just isn’t true. We often say opposites attract, but how many of us actually believe this to be true?

Many of us run in the other direction when we meet someone who isn’t into the things we are. Our differences can be a beautiful thing that draws us closer to one another.

I have the best relationships with people I didn’t have much in common with.

Why Are Clubs and Lounges Aren’t the Best Places 2 Meet Mates?
The club/ lounge scene is cool for meeting people. However, these places are not the best places to meet potential partners. There are several factors that you must consider.

Shy guys or girls don’t do well in lounges and clubs.

People often bring a group of friends with them to the place looking to find someone. Your girls or guys can throw salt in the game when someone approaches you or vice versa.

Going alone can help you be more successful at meeting people. People who go to these places have to really step their game up and put their game faces on.

Competition is really thick in the clubs and lounges.

Seven Sizzling Places to Meet Potential Partners
1. Church
2. Seminars/Classes
3. Online Dating Services
4. Street Fairs
5. Laundry
6. Supermarket
7. Through friends & Family

3 Techniques 2 Attract More Potential Mates
Design how you want. Write out a detailed list about who you want to attract. Cover all areas like looks, values, beliefs, and so fourth. The more specific it is the better.

Stay completely optimistic that your ideal partner is out there and you will meet them.

Sit back relax for about ten minutes to 15 minutes before going out, visualize yourself meeting the man or woman of your dreams. Now go out there and make things happen.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Skyrocket Success with the Opposite Sex Now

Yesterday we discussed one of the fastest ways to attracting more quality partners by utilizing hooks. If you did not read “Hooked Up” I suggest you by reading this piece before venturing into this post.

What Makes a Hook a Hook?
A hook is a particular style that others see in you and are drawn to it. A hook consists of body language, image projection, attitude, and last but not least your speech. It is an illuminated lure that draws people unto itself. It operates the same way a fishing hook with bait does for a person fishing.

The Power of a Hook
A hook magnetizes certain types of people to you quickly. You can attract several types of people by using multiple hooks at once. Let me crystallize my point so you can get a clearer picture of what I mean.

Derek uses several hooks to attract different types of women he likes. I will use two different scenarios so you can see Derek in action.

Scenario 1: Whenever Derek goes to clubs or lounges he utilizes two hooks, seduction and power to attract women. Derek knows there are women there who want to be seduced by someone powerful. When he enters these places women are quickly drawn to his hooks. Derek usually meets new women, gets telephone numbers, some one-night stands and generally has a very productive night when he combines these hooks.

Scenario 2:
Derek is presenting a seminar at a marketing convention. While eating inside the cafeteria Derek is approached by a beautiful, shapely, woman named Nancy who asks to join him. Nancy reveals to Derek that she finds him to be passionate, powerful, persuasive, humorous communicator, and comfortable to be around.

*Notice how Nancy is drawn by six different hooks all at once.

Then Derek reveals he could tell that Nancy was powerful, ambitious, focused, and charming before she even spoke with him.

Notice the difference in the two scenarios.

In scenario 1 Derek is able to use only two hooks to be several with women in the club/lounge settings.

In scenario 2 Derek uses multiple hooks to summon the attention of Nancy. She reveals 6 hooks that she notices about Derek and in exchange he reveals 4 of Nancy’s hooks.

I never utilize one hook unless I am in a lounge or certain environment. I utilize a minimum of 6 hooks and up to 15 at a time. These hooks magnetize many different types of women to me. The joy of it all is it gives me a broader selection to choose from.

What I want you to do for the rest of the week is test a few hooks for different situations and environments. Your success ratio for meeting people is about to blast through the roof. Remember the key to being successful is utilizing as many hooks as you possibly can to attract different types of potential partners.

I want you all to post your comments or e-mail me to share your experience with me. Tomorrow I have another special treat for you that will blow your socks off.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Hooked Up

Are you tired of attracting losers, deadbeats, and people who are all wrong for you? Well I am about to teach you an amazing secret that can change all of that.

I decided to change the information that I was supposed to give you today. What I am about to share is so powerful. I have to also thank my friend Toni who is my muse for the day.

We have all heard the saying “there are plenty of fish in the sea” the thing is most of us only know how to attract certain kind of fish. In order to catch different fish you need different hooks, baits and equipment.

What is Your Hook?
Do you know what type of hooks that you use to attract the fish you have been reeling in? Many people are unfamiliar with what type of hook(s) you have been using to lure people into their lives.

Let me explain. I told my friend Toni earlier one of the fastest way to controlling who you are attracting is by changing your hook. A hook is something that a person notices when they first see you and how you project yourself. Our hook is seen by people before we even speak any words.

For instance:
A man walks in the room and the first thing that people see in him is a certain air of power about him. His hook is power. Do you see where I am coming from?

Identifying Your Hook
I often see some beautiful women dress provocative then ask other people why are these men ogling me? Let me answer that by saying men are viewing a provocative hook. They are ready to take a shot at the bait they are given. If the hook is tempting they will go for it.

Now there are all types of hooks out there. The art of being an excellent fisher is learning how to switch your hooks up to attract a broader pool of fish. I know all of this is new to some of you. However, this stuff works like magic. Here are a few hooks.


These are just a few hooks you have either used or been baited by. The key to being more effective in attracting better quality people is utilizing the appropriate hook to draw the person that you desire. To save you time and effort you have to stop chasing people and learn how to attract them with your hooks. I will show you a couple of strategies tomorrow.

Monday, August 22, 2005

The Great Relationship Challenge
"It is inevitable that some defeat will enter even the most victorious life. The human spirit is never finished when it is defeated... it is finished when it surrenders." Ben Stein Professor and Writer

I feel like I shortchanged you last week. So I will continue where I left on the theme of relationships this week.

Have you given up on finding a mate with potential for a healthy long-term relationship you have relinquished the opportunity to experience the greatest gift known to mankind? The gift of love is a beautiful thing.

Many of the heartaches and heartbreaks we experience are self inflicted. There are many times we get involved with people while ignoring certain signs that should alert us that this person may not be the one for us.

Everyone who has a great personality, good morality and beliefs don’t make the person right for you. What if I told you that everything that you thought about relationships were wrong?
We sometimes get caught up on those misty relationship movies like Notebook, You’ve Got Mail, Jerry Maguire, Love and Basketball, the Brothers, and Love Jones.

Relationships don’t always work like they do in the movies. Then there are those that can.
My challenge to all of you is whatever your ideas, beliefs, or concepts are upon dating and relationships put them aside for a few days. I want to introduce you to a way that will not only change your life but will eliminate 85% of your heartbreaks.

I promise those of you who willfully take this relationship challenge will be surprised at how your dating situation and relationship situation changes. Strap on your seatbelts to prepare for the ride of your life.

I hope that you not only enjoy what I have in store for you this week but that your relationship life will miraculously change. I want to hear from you if it does and feel free to share this information with everyone that you know will benefit from it. Tomorrow the journey towards majestic heights begins.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Fine Tuning Communication

I love listening to music with a passion. Usually I don’t listen to the radio unless I’m at work. I recall one day I wanted to listen to my favorite station, clicked on my radio but for some strange reason I couldn’t get my station’s frequency. In disgust I shifted the antennae back, fourth, up, down, side to side, but to no avail.

Arrgh! I could feel my blood boiling, so I changed the radio’s location and voila! The radio cried out”98.7 Kiss FM” and a smile adjusted my face. Have you ever been in a conversation where you the other person were just out of tune? We all have been there at some point in our lives.

Are you tired of communication breakdowns on dates, with your lover or your mate? Well you can get happy now. I am about to reveal several communication secrets for effective communication. Are you excited?

You should be getting really excited because this will stop most arguments in their tracks and help you fine tune your communication skills.

What Frequency Are You?
Remember the radio illustration in the beginning. Everyone has different frequencies they communicate and retrieve information upon. In NLP they call them predicates I refer to them as frequencies.

Visual Frequency- This person enjoys looking good and they love beautiful things. They usually have a keen eye for beautiful things and finding flaws in what is not so perfect. A visual person needs to be shown they are loved by their significant other. If they never have visual evidence they will never believe they are loved no matter what.

Auditory Frequency- This person enjoys talking, speech, and linguistics. They utilize this method to share information and retrieve information. A person who has an auditory frequency loves for a person to express their feelings when in a relationship. This person needs to hear they are loved in order to accept and believe their mate cares for them. If they never hear this they will never believe that they are loved no matter what.

Kinesthetic Frequency- This person enjoys touching people, things and are tuned into their feelings. These people want their mates to show them they love them by the art of kissing, hugging, cuddling, and touching in general. A kinesthetic person has to be shown love by way of touch or they will never believe their mate loves them no matter what.

Secret Swift Strategy 2 Find Their Frequency
Now you should know which frequency you operate upon. Here are 3 ways to quickly find out which frequency your mate, date or lover operates upon.

Slim people usually operate on a visual frequency.

People who talk often, love to listen, or have a tendency of being loud, usually operate upon an auditory frequency.

Athletic and thick body type people operate upon a kinesthetic frequency.

In order to be a more effective communicator you have to operate upon all 3 frequencies. Until you adjust yourself to other people’s frequency you will be just as lost as I was searching for my favorite radio station.

Words 2 Get You Tuned in Quicker
Visual Frequency: Learn to utilize words that paint pictures to explain your point to these individuals. Here is an example:

“I need you to see my heart is an undying waterfall of love that is waiting to immerse and refresh a worthy person.”

Auditory Frequency: Learn to utilize words that uplift your message. Because auditory individuals have a connection with words, you must be very careful that you follow through on your words or you will be viewed as someone who cannot be trusted. Here is an example:

“I enjoy the way you listen to me when we talk with one another.”

Kinesthetic Frequency: Learn to utilize words that grab your listener. When you use this language it captures their undivided attention. I operate upon a kinesthetic frequency. Here is an example:

”I was moved by the words you shared because they touched my heart.”

Make sure to always remember that a person will never feel loved if they are not loved on the frequency that they operate upon. Lastly, practice working upon all 3 levels and you will have a fine tuned connection to have excellent communication with others.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

The Power of a Healthy Relationship

One of the most amazing things in life to see is someone is in a healthy relationship. I want to share with you a prime example of a healthy relationship at its peak.

I would like to use another fictional character Heathcliff Huxtable from the Cosby show.

1. Cliff and Claire Huxtable were two married professionals in a healthy relationship, which enhanced their lives.

2. This opened their hearts to be fully receptive to the possibilities of love.

3. Their love and marriage brought about 5 loving children.

4. Their love, marriage, and children taught them to appreciate every intricate part of life by enjoying every moment.

5. Their love multiplied daily spilling into the lives of everyone they came into contact with.

6. They taught their family strong values to live by in life.

7. Their loving example to their children helped them understand they deserve the very best in life when it comes to relationships.

8. Their example also educated their children in the school of relationships and lessons on love.

9. Their expressed love for each other helped each become more caring and sharing.

10. Cliff and Claire’s love showed the children how to attract more meaningful relationships into their lives. It helped them select better friends and so fourth.

We must make sure to select a healthy mate before embarking upon a relationship. I cannot stress this enough. One of the biggest reasons the divorce rates is so high is because people are getting involved with the wrong individuals. Selecting a healthy mate will save you more than 75 percent of heartbreaks.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Unhealthy Relationships

The Dangers of an Unhealthy Relationship
Did you know getting involved in an unhealthy relationship is extremely dangerous to your health? Not only is it dangerous for you but to those closest to you as well. I say this because children usually follow the relationship patterns of their parents.

There are only two things that any relationship can do for you. This goes for any relationship such as business, monogamous, family, or friendship. Here are the two things that any relationship can do for you.

A relationship can be an enhancement to your life.
A relationship can be detrimental to your life.

Choosing the wrong mates has a lasting effect upon us, placing us into a spin cycle of unhealthy relationships. Whenever a person places themselves in dating or long-term relationships of this magnitude it has a domino effect upon your future relationships and all of your relationships for that matter.

One of the best examples is looking at the fictional character of Al Bundy from “Married with Children.”

The 10 Things an Unhealthy Relationship Can Manifest Into Your Life

1. Al had a promising football career in high school.

2. He was bursting with enthusiasm from being a star player of the team.

3. He met Peggy (an unhealthy mate) they got involved and she became pregnant.

4. He married Peggy who squandered Al’s hard earned money, wasn’t domestic, only cared about her well being and no one else’s.

5. Peggy never worked a job and never helped Al. (Woman is a man’s helpmeet)

6. Al worked as a shoe salesman whose self-esteem dropped faster than a lead balloon.

7. Not only was Al affected by his relationship with Peggy but so was his two children Bud and Kelly.

8. Bud was unpopular in school and suffered from low self-esteem like his father Al after he hooked up with Peggy. The effect this had came faster than Al’s bout with lowered expectations and self-esteem.

9. Kelly was very popular because she slept around the same way her mother did.

10. This relationship between Al and Peggy contributed to thier whole famly living in misery.

The worst 3 things an unhealthy relationship does are:
1. Set your internal switch to attract more unhealthy relationships
2. Breaks your spirit
3. Making people give up on love (the strongest power in the universe next to the Holy Spirit). God designed you to be loved and spread His love to the world.

Friday, August 12, 2005

The 555 Deal

Forget about Dominos 555Deal. I have a 555deal that will help you become a greater champion in the arena of life. It wont cost you one red cent either. My plan consists of 5 powerful questions, 5 action suggestions, and 5 websites to keep you on top of your game so you can master your sport.

I expect nothing but the best from you champions.

5 Powerful Questions 2 Step Your Game Up
1. What training are you doing to improve your skills and your performance?

2. Who are your business, spiritual, and leadership heroes and why should study and implement some of the strategies that unleashed their greatness?

3. Why you must develop your 11 empowering goals to become a greater athlete in the course of life? These empowering goal categories are: Physical objects, health, family, financial, social, spiritual, mental, career, relational, travel & vacation and personality.

4. Why you need to name and then eliminate all bad investments in your life? (These investments are negative people, places, and things.)

5. What can I do right now to help others who need my help?

5 Powerful Actions 2 Maximize Your Performance
1. Maximize your time by keeping a planner/calendar. By utilizing your time wisely you can accomplish more in less time. Never put too much on your plate because it only makes you full, sluggish, unproductive, sick and eventually kills you.

2. Develop a list of everything that makes you happy and stick to the script. Life will feel more enjoyable and more productive.

3. Come up with 3 ways to strengthen 5 of your talents.

4. Be grateful more often than usual.

5. Always be prepared for whatever comes your way. It is in being prepared for life’s little opportunities that gigantic possibilities change your life miraculously.

5 Powerful Websites 2 Make you a Winner
1. Bob Proctor's site offers great motivational quotes to start your day Mon.-Thur. and an inspirational story on friday.

2. Jim Rohn is a world reknown business philosopher who offfers a very powerful free newsletter that contains great motivational stories you can apply to your life where you are now. His site also contains great articles that you can read now. Go sign up today.

3. James Allen inspired millions and was a major influence of the whole self-imporvement industry. Go and download his classic As a Man Thinketh e-book free and sign up for his e-meditation e-mail.

4. Salad is an NLP site launched by Jamie Smart who is a Managing Director, Founder of Salad and general NLP genius. His site gives you great tips on Neurolinguistic Programming for programming you mind for success. Sign up for his free newsletter.

5. Mark Victor Hansen is co-author of one of the most successful self-help books of all times "Chicken Soup for the Soul." He offers a free newsletter dedicated to helping you become the best that you can be, so go sign up.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The Champion Advantage

Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Muhammad Ali are all amazing athletes who have set some pretty outstanding records within their respective sports. Their names will remain in history for years to come. They will be forever remembered as 4 of the greatest athletes of all time.

What makes a Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Muhammad Ali different than other athletes? Is it their ability, or dedication to the sport? No the answer lies deeper than the surface. Have you ever wondered what catapulted them into greatness?

Well you don’t have to wonder any more I am about to fill you in their secret in a moment. First I want to share flashes of their outstanding achievements.

Lance Armstrong in winning the tour de France for the consecutive seventh times has cycled over 15,000 miles. He studies the best people for inspiration such as Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Wayne Gretzkey.

Tiger Woods became the youngest golfer in history to win all four majors after winning the Masters in April and the British Open last month for his ninth and 10th career major championship titles

Michael Jordan is a six-time NBA champion (1991-93, 1996-98); MVP (1988, '91, '92, '96, '98); 10-time All-NBA First Team (1987-93, 1996-98); All-NBA Second Team (1985); Defensive Player of the Year (1988); Nine-time All-Defensive First Team (1988-93, 1996-98); Rookie of the Year (1985); 14-time All-Star; All-Star MVP (1988, '96, '98); One of 50 Greatest Players in NBA History ('96); Olympic gold medalist (1984, '92).

Muhammad Ali’s record is 56 Wins, 5 Loss, and 37 Knockouts. Now lets get down to the champion advantage that they had over other athletes and why they have become so great at their sport.

Championship Mentality
They have a mentality that they are the greatest in their respective sports. They mentally focus upon every record or goal they attempt before even trying it. They see themselves doing the impossible on the Sony IMAX theatre of their mentalities. They visualize victory in order to make it a reality.

Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Muhammad Ali are all diligent students of the mind. They study its ability to take you to the zone so you can perform at optimal levels in any area of your life. This is why they stay on top of their games and have a tremendous advantage over their peers. When you have a championship mentality you can do amazing things. It gives you strength, endurance, and invincibility to do the impossible.
If you don’t believe me ask Sugar Ray Robinson and he will tell you

“In order to be a champ you have to believe in your self when nobody else will.”

If that is not enough evidence for you I suggest you turn to Oprah.
Ask Oprah Winfrey and she will tell you "If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think."
Ask James Allen and he will tell you “He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure.”
Ask Bernice Becker and she will tell you.
"Whatever it took, no matter how much time, I would succeed. No one was going to stop me. This time I believed in myself."

If that is not enough inspiration ask Albert Schweitzer and he will tell you.
"One who gains strength by overcoming obstacles possesses the only strength which can overcome adversity."

Ask me and I will tell you that there is nothing impossible to the person who believes they can do the impossible. The mind rightfully programmed for success is so powerful it can help you make the impossible look easy and effortless.

The mind rightfully trained can make you a Tour de Force Phenomenon like Lance Armstrong. It can make you roar with greatness like Tiger Woods. It can make you soar to new heights without wings. It can help you shake up the world like Ali. So ride like the wind, shoot your best shot, fly like an eagle and rumble like you can’t lose because you have the champion advantage. So use it or lose it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Win or Lose

I seem to find sore losers to be very funny people. In the course of life I have learned to win and learned to lose. You have to take the bitter with the sweet. I can’t imagine living my life as a winner who never lost at anything. That is not possible in the real world; although it might be nice.

Now back to sore losers. I have a younger cousin that hates to lose. He gets it from his father who happens to be a sore loser as well. It is always fun watching them go through those tantrums and yelling out"I don't want to play anymore" when they lose. Whenever you come to the point in life where you must always win in something it puts a serious emotional strain upon you.

Remember years ago the mother who killed a rival teenager so her daughter would have better odds at being the better cheerleader. What about those individuals who take steroids to enhance their performance? Some people will do just about anything to be a winner. However you can't win them all.

True champions learn to live with winning and losing. They go hand and hand making you a better more refined athlete. In life I often had heart wrenching loses but I also win a lot. I would say that it is a pretty good balance of the two. The joy of losing is you get the enlightening opportunity to see what you can improve upon in your game.

Losing is a learning experience for you to step your game plan up. What have you been losing at? Have you been losing in relationships? Have you been losing in business? Have you been losing financially? If so I challenge you to step your game up.

“Life's difficulties do not keep you from greatness. They show you to its door.” Alan Cohen

Muhammad Ali’s record is 56 Wins, 5 Loss, and 37 Knockouts. I would say that is excellent for the G.O.A.T (Greatest of all Time). Tiger Woods Woods, 29, won the Masters in April and the British Open last month for his ninth and 10th career major championship titles. He became the youngest to win all four of the Grand Slam titles twice. Tiger has had his share of wins and loses that have not stopped him from being the greatest golfer alive today. Keep in mind he is still a very young man.

"You've got to get to the stage in life where going for it is more important than winning or losing." Arthur Ashe

The best have learned win or lose they are still champions. Tomorrow see what separates Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, and Muhammad Ali from other athletes. We will learn the keys of being a champion in the master arena of life.

Championship Vision

I want to talk about championship vision. There is nothing like championship vision because it helps you see beyond the situation, your limitations, problems that will arise and beyond negative feelings.

All of these factors play a major part in the lives of us all. However, championship vision helps you visualize your dream so vividly that YOU allow nothing to disrupt the view of your dream and empowers you to strive towards your desires full steam ahead.

I championship vision starts by having an idea of an accomplishment that you would like to pursue or a record you intend to break that was set by someone else. Now I will show you how to have championship vision to make you a champion athlete in life.

I. What dream/record do want to break?
Condition your mind to be prepared for the task ahead by being optimistically pessimistic. I know that both of these words placed together give off a contradictory projection. However, you need to be optimistic to know you can do what you plan to do and pessimistic about some of the obstacles that you will face pursuing your goal.

Designing your very own workout regimen. Writing down every thing you will do to move towards your goal. The more detailed it is the better sense of direction you will have.

Implementing Your Workout. Sticking to your script is the best way to reach your goal quicker and more effectively. Oftentimes people make goals but they stray from them a bit

II. Putting Yourself at the Finish Line
Always visualize yourself acquiring your dream or setting your record. Do it very often so that it will become brighter and clearer to you. Remember Martin Luther King lived his dream daily doing everything in his power to make the dream come true. He worked at his dream everyday seeing the finishing results of his work in his mind. However, he never had the chance to see what his efforts have accomplished.

Most of the greatest athletes have been able to place themselves at the finish line before actually reaching it. If you cannot see yourself be a super achiever you will never be, if you can’t see yourself being a great parent you will never be, if you can’t see yourself being successful you will never be. Put yourself at the finish line in your mind by visualization, so there will be a manifestation of your dream.

What are you waiting for? Go out there, be the best that you can be, work on making your dream come true or breaking that record and enjoy yourself while you’re at it.

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Conditioning of Champions

Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them -- a desire, a dream, a vision. Muhammad Ali

I love this quote because it is simply dynamic. All last week we talked about the power of your emotions and how to change your life. This week I want to touch on how to be a champion in every aspect of your life.

Here are some champions I admire Lance Armstrong, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Muhammad Ali. I believe there is something special about all of these champions I just named. Keep in mind that there are champions who perform at high levels on their playing field. What is so special about these champions is that they perform at high levels upon every scale of their lives.

Michael Jordan earned the nickname Air Jordan for the way he soared on the basketball court. However, his championship ability was not limited to the basketball court. He is a prominent rich business man and living icon.

Magic Johnson dazzled us with his performance upon the basketball courts. His championship ability is still being displayed to the world in his business endeavors and fight against HIV.

Lance Armstrong just won his 7th Tour de Force and has been fighting against cancer ever since he has been diagnosed with testicular cancer. Muhammad Ali transformed his sport by becoming the world’s most adored athlete. He continues to show his championship ability by fighting against Parkinson’s disease

Do you have what it takes to be a champion in every aspect of your life? You most certainly do.

The Mentality of a Champion
It all starts with knowing you are a champion. Know that you have within you the amazing ability to do miraculous things. The championship mentality begins by knowing whatever arena you step into you are entering with the determination, mental focus and drive to give your best.

The Dedication of a Champion
Your life is dedicated to being all that you can be in your area of interest. You are not competing against someone else but against yourself. In order to set high standards for yourself it is best to have a model to follow but only compete against yourself. Champions dedicate their whole life to excellence. You are a champion.

What are you dedicating yourself to? What arena will you enter and show the world your championship ability? What legacy will you leave? What records do you plan on breaking? Whatever they are “just do it” like Nike-the world is your oyster.

Friday, August 05, 2005


I missed a couple of days posting. I decided to give you 8 empowering examples to change your life right now. Enjoy making them a pert of your life today.

TAKE INVENTORY OF YOUR CAPABILTIES: Make a full list of all of your talents, strengths, and abilities.

DEVELOP A MISSION STATEMENT: A mission statement defines what you want to do with your life as far as philanthropy, work, etc. This statement is a defining proposition of your life. Everything that you take on in life will reflect this in some way shape or form.

SELECTION PERFECTION: Find at least 4 things you can do that you’re passionate about. You have to strengthen these things to the point where they are at a great performance level. The better you become at these arts the stronger they will become and the more confidence you will gain.

BANK ON IT: Your four passions can bring you riches. You have to find out how you can parlay these talents or abilities into money making opportunities. Once you do start putting them to work for you.

BECOME YOUR OWN CHEERLEADER: You have to keep a very optimistic view on these talents and believe that you can be successful. You have to be you own master of motivation so you can excel in these areas. When people realize how enthusiastic you are they will be drawn to you.

GOAL SETTER & GOAL GETTER: Many people set goals but never follow through on their goals. People often set resolution for the year and within a month or so they renege on that resolution. Learn how to set short-term goals which lead to your mid-term goals and onto your long-term goals. Set goals that you feverishly desire to go after until they become reality.

TAKE RESPONSIBILITY 4 YOUR OWN HAPPINESS: Happiness is found internally not externally. Thousands of people believe happiness is found externally. They attempt finding happiness in acquiring material items, and people, yet they soon realize they are not happy. You must realize you have to do all the things you enjoy doing because they will make you happier.

HEALTH IS WEALTH: You have to take care of yourself better than you are doing now. Everyone could use some improvement in their health strategies. Be sure you get the appropriate rest, eat right and exercise in some way or form. The better you take care of your body the longer it will carry you.

"The critical ingredient is getting off your butt and doing something. It's as simple as that. A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. But today. The true entrepreneur is a doer, not a dreamer." Nolan Bushnell

Emotional Escape Artists

Most of my life lifetraps held me captive. They literally controlled my relationships, my work ethic, parenting skills, the whole nine yards. There is nothing like being enslaved and not knowing that you are enslaved. Fortunately, I stumbled upon some very helpful information that changed my life.

I never even heard of a lifetrap, until reading through a book on psychology. I can’t remember the name of it, but it led me to really analyze myself, the lifetraps, and unknowingly I invested in some tapes that briefly discussed lifetraps in detail.

When I think of escaping from traps I think of Houdini. Houdini was an amazing escape artist who seemed to escape from serious traps and made it look easy. He escaped from a water torture cell, being buried alive, straight jackets, jail cells, handcuffed bridge jumps, padlocked crates thrown in rivers to name a few. He was an excellent escape artist.

By the time you finish reading this you will be an emotional escape artist par excel lance. One of the biggest mistakes we make when dealing with lifetraps is trying to ignore them. Once you know what your lifetrap is it is easier to eliminate it.

Abandonment, Mistrust & Abuse can be effectively eliminated by simply realizing that it exists. Once you find out the problem by going to its root you can remove it totally from your life. You must eliminate this thinking from your life. If not you will not be able to stay in a healthy or a stable one.

Accept the fact that everyone isn’t out to get you or do you in. Remember that abandonment, mistrust, and abuse have to do with what took place in your childhood family. The key to unlocking yourself from both lifetraps is to believe you can attract dependable people in your life who want to be there long-term.

Emotional Deprivation & Social Exclusion can be effectively dealt with by realizing that your perception of what is going on in your life is your reality. You need to be around people who can pour emotional value into your life. Make it your business to meet more people who enhance your life instead of being detrimental to your life.

Dependency & Failure can be effectively removed by attempting to do things that you have never tried. Oftentimes you will surprise yourself by what you are capable of doing. We need to learn how to do things upon our own more often. The more you do it the stronger you become.

Vulnerability & Defectiveness can be eliminated by realizing life is about living in the moment. Never live your life waiting for the next bad thing to happen, but enjoy the best things that are happening to you now.

Your defects do not define you they only identify that we are human. Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder never let the inability to see define their ability to be great. Take you focus off your defect so you can focus and work upon what you can perfect.

“My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.” Michael Jordan

“I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Michael Jordan

Subjugations & Unrelenting Standards can be eliminated by putting attending to out needs. Work more upon our self-improvement instead of spending too much time on self-sacrifice. Realize that our possession should never be a standard of our happiness and success. They are only the rewards we have picked up along the way.

When we allow ourselves to be controlled by our rewards we make them our gods and worship them. We make the rewards the rewards don’t make us.

Entitlement can be eliminated by realizing the world doesn’t revolve around you. No one can have all their desires right on the spot--not even kings and queens they still have to wait upon their royal servants to do what they desire.

Put yourself in the position of servant of someone else who thinks like this for a week, and then you will see yourself in a whole new light. You won’t like what you see either.

"If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think." Oprah Winfrey

“If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them; everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.” Michael Jordan

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Held Hostage

Have you found yourself attracting the wrong mates over and over again? Are you afraid you cannot find the love you need? Do you feel you cannot trust anyone? Do you feel like you need to always be in a relationship? Why do I always feel like disaster is about to strike?

If you answered yes to any of these questions you are being held hostage by emotional lifetrap(s)? I have seen people sabotage great relationships, friendships and business ventures because they are held captive by these lifetraps unaware.

After watching friends and families having relationship problems I decided to elaborate upon the effects of lifetraps. Many people are unfamiliar with them and their affects upon a person’s life.

Here are the 11 lifetraps:

There are 2 lifetraps that relate to a lack of safety or security in your childhood family. They are Abandonment and Mistrust.

Abandonment-The fear of losing people you care and love. These people can be very clingy to the people that they love for fear of losing them.

Mistrust and Abuse-Is the belief that people will use, abuse, or hurt you in some way. These individuals usually hide behind a wall of mistrust to shield themselves.

There are 2 lifetraps that relate to your emotional connection to others. They are Emotional Deprivation and Self Exclusiveness.

Emotional Deprivation-Is the belief that your need for love will not be met. People who have this lifetrap usually attract cold and ungiving people into their lives.

Social Exclusion-Is a person’s belief that deals with the connection of friends or groups of people. People with this lifetrap have difficulty making friends and usually can feel uncomfortable with their looks, appearance, sexual side, and conversational skills. They often stay away from groups and making friends.

There are 2 lifetraps that affect your self-esteem they are Failure and Dependency.

Failure-Is the belief you cannot make certain accomplishments in different areas of achievement like school, projects, relationships, etc. etc. These people live in a fearful state often exaggerating their failures and acting in a manner to continually experience failure.

Dependency-Is the feeling that you cannot cope in the everyday hustle and bustle of life without the help of someone else. These individuals seek out strong figures to help them and rule over their lives.

There are two different lifetraps that relate to your ability to function independently in the world. They are Defectiveness and Vulnerability

Vulnerability-Is the belief that disaster is about to strike in one’s life. These individuals constantly live in fear of many things and probably had a very sheltered life as a child.

Defectiveness-Is the belief that there is something wrong with you and your ability. These individuals feel flawed in some way, they are afraid of love, they don’t believe people value them and most often they expect rejection.

The 2 lifetraps that deal with Self-Expression-your ability to express what you want to get your needs met. Subjugation and Unrelenting Standards

Subjugation- Is sacrificing your own needs/desires to please others or meeting their needs. Allowing others to control them these individuals usually enter into relationships with needy people who are too damaged to return the favor.

Unrelenting Standards-Is striving to excel high expectations of yourself. These individuals place excessive emphasis on achievement, money, and possessions as their standard of happiness and success.

Entitlement-Is associated with the ability to accept realistic limits in life. People who have this lifetrap have a king and queen mentality of wanting things not now, but right now. Believing they should get special service from others to make their desires happen right on the spot.

I want you to look over this list carefully then write down every single lifetrap that you believe has been holding you back. Be totally honest with yourself.

I will show you how to eliminate these traps tomorrow so you will no longer be held hostage.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Upgrading Your Memory part II

Computers function similar to the way our brains work. However, the fastest most advanced computer built or that will be built cannot compare to our minds.

“There are about 100 billion neurons in our brains. In fact, the functions that occur on the world’s most powerful computer in a year would not even compare to the functions that occur in just one neuron in one person’s brain in one second.” Doug Bench, Science for Success Revolutionary Neuroscience Discoveries fro Success

The memory functions of a computer are similar to how the human brain functions. The memory consists of short and long term memory. There are 6 neurological levels that affect the memory and processing functions of our minds. They are:

First Level: Spiritual-What is my practice?
Second Level: Identity-Who am I?
Third Level: Values and Beliefs-What are my beliefs & values?
Fourth Level: Capability-What can I do?
Fifth Level: Behavior-How do I act and why?
Sixth Level: Environment-Where am I and how does this affect the rest of my actions and decisions?

The 1st four levels catapult people to success or failure while the latter two help more along the processing function. We all function upon all of these levels. The key is strengthening each level.

The first level is the most important level. Believing in God and developing a relationship with Him is the most important thing a person can do.

The second level can be confusing and is difficult for many people to reach. There are millions of people trying to find out who they are in this world. You are a child of the King of the universe. By divine right you are to live a rich abundant life. You were created to do the impossible.

The third level is the dictator of all neurological levels. Your beliefs and values dictate every aspect of your life. Whatever we think about most, adding strong emotions to, and adding our own visual slideshow to it we attract unto ourselves.

“We need to realize that the direction of our lives is controlled by the magnetic pull of our values. They are the force in front of us, consistently leading us to make decisions that create the direction and ultimate destination of our lives.” Anthony Robbins

Your values can be placed into 2 different categories. There are enjoyable values to pursue and runaway from values. A person’s values might look like this:

Enjoyable values 2 pursue
Love, Writing, Power, Family Happiness

Runaway from Values
Conflict,Ignorance, Rejection, Drama, Loneliness

This person has conflicting values that are sabotaging their efforts in love and writing. When this person experiences too much conflict, rejection, & drama they will flee their relationships and writing endeavors. They will give up on their dreams because of their runaway from values.

By adjusting their runaway from values and eliminating two they can be more successful in their relationships and writing. Let’s look at how their new value system looks.

Enjoyable values 2 pursue
Love, Writing, Power, Family, Happiness

Runaway from Values
Loneliness, Drama,Ignorance, Anger, Frustration

Your fourth level reveals your traits, strengths, gifts, and weaknesses to you. By discovering your traits, talents, gifts and weaknesses you will know how much you can handle and achieve in life.

The fifth level many people reach later on in their lives. By familiarizing yourself with the first five levels you will have a better understanding why you act the way you do. A fast way is to study the Enneagram to find out what your number is.

The sixth level we learn to function upon at an early age. We have basic instincts to adjust ourselves to the environment we find ourselves in. I will not waste time on this level because we have a basic knowledge of this function already.

Our perception is our reality. Life is not governed by what happens to you, but how you react to what happens to you. The only definition to our experiences is the ones we have placed upon it. Therefore perceive you are all powerful with the ability to change your life now for the better.