Friday, July 29, 2005

5 Fascinating Books 4 Opening Floodgates of Success

This week has been a very powerful and exciting one for me. I hope you are enjoying all that we covered this week. I decided to share 5 Fascinating books for opening the floodgates of success for you. These books have practically profound applications that you can easily apply to your life wherever you are today.

The selected books are written by experts within their respective fields they will inspire you to think differently concerning your relationships, writing, business, and practically life itself. You can pick these up at, Barnes and Nobles, or possibly your local library. I recommend them all because they can help you to take your life to a higher level.

The Sedona Method by Dale Dwoskin
Boasts it is the fastest, easiest, most powerful self-improvement technique available today. I recommend this book because of its practical way to help you experience well being in every aspect of your life.

The Attractor Factor: 5 Easy steps for Creating Wealth (or Anything Else) from the Inside Out by Joe Vitale
This book is absolutely amazing it continuously changes my life. I began applying its principles before completing the book and I attracted my daughter to live with me (a situation that almost seemed impossible), and found an old friend I haven’t heard from in years. Dr. Joe Vitale’s book is awesome.

Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex and Romance by Sandra Anne Taylor
This is the very best book I ever read on relationships. I have read a lot relationship books too because I am a relationship expert. Many relationship experts teach people the art of manipulation to win a mate. However, this book will literally blow your mind by showing you ideal ways to attract the mate of your dreams while helping you get over emotional hang-ups that screw up your relationships.

Guerrilla Publicity: Hundreds of Sure-Fire Tactics to Get Maximum Sales for Minimum Dollars by Jay Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, Jill Lublin
This is a great book by the father of Guerilla Marketing and two successful Public Relations experts in the country. If you want publicity, own a business or are thinking about starting one I highly recommend this book. It reveals how to draw business and publicity to your business or yourself.

Fast Fiction: Creating Fiction in Five Minutes (Hardcover) by Roberta Allen
I recommend this book to all writers. You can utilize these simple principles and exercises with any writing that you do. It will teach you a very useful disciple of working with deadlines and unleashing your creativity.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Maximizing Your Mental Beliefs

Your mental beliefs have the power to make or break your success. Lance Armstrong would have never won the Tour de Force without them. Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, and Donald Trump would not be where they are today without them.

A mental belief is an idea that we hold as truth or the standard of truth that governs our thinking. Most of our beliefs are adopted from our parents or guardians, and the rest we gleam from our experiences and environment. Our beliefs ignite our emotions/feelings which therefore manipulate our actions. There are good beliefs as well as erroneous/limiting beliefs.

Here are a few erroneous/limiting beliefs that someone might have:

"I don’t deserve to be treated like I am special.” (Personal)

“Love hurts.” (Relational)

“The system is holding me back from making better accomplishment in life.” (Business and Success)

“I can’t lose weight I have tried several things that haven’t worked.” (Physical)

Here are my 2 personal all time favorites.

“The love of money is evil.” (Financial)

“There are no good potential mates available for me to date.” (Relational)

This person is plagued with low self-esteem, low self-worth, unhealthy & poor relationships, working at dead end jobs and unproductive businesses, health issues and financial troubles. The beliefs control this person’s life. Each of these beliefs needs changing in order for them to experience a more productive life in all of those areas.

The object is locating all of your erroneous/limiting beliefs then zapping them from your mind. The quick way is to change your beliefs are rephrasing them to your advantage.

“I deserve to be treated special because I am a child of the king who is shaped by divinty and excellence.”

“Love does not hurt it heals and refreshes me”

“The system is helping me so I can make better accomplishments in life.”

“I am losing inches and weight I can see it and feel it happening now.”

“Money flows to me in abundance and is a source of currency that I need to buy my various necessities and wants that I have.”

Changing your beliefs to work in your favor will make you feel better by 50 percent or more than you do now. When we mope around with bad feelings it’s usually because our beliefs are getting the best of us, weighing us down, and literally killing us.

Open up a page on word, grab a notebook and type/write out every limiting belief that you have. Label the top of your page with the area you are covering, relational, physical, mental, financial, emotional, spiritual, or business. When you finish listing all of your limiting beliefs zap them by working on rephrasing them to your advantage

Changing your beliefs will miraculously change your life. Building better beliefs breed a better life; building exciting beliefs breed an exciting life, building triumphant beliefs breeds a triumphant life. These are words to passionately live by.

“You can change your beliefs so they empower your dreams and desires. Create a strong belief in yourself and what you want.” Marcia Weider

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” Marcus Antoninus

“Wealth is the product of an individual’s capacity to think.” Ayn Rand

“Success or failure in business is caused more by mental attitudes (thoughts) than by mental capacities.” Dr. Walter Scott

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Mental Elevation 2 Mental Creation

Many people are familiar with the famous quote that says “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.” Did you know that most of us do not even know how to use our minds to be successful? When you drive a car in the wrong direction there is a higher risk of having an accident. When people operate heavy machinery in the wrong way they lose arms, limbs and even their lives. Do you see where I am going with this?

Not knowing how to operate our brains gives us more problems than we can imagine. No matter how many times you read the Bible, Qur’an, other religious books, self-help articles, self-help books, or seminars that you attend will all be in vain if you have not trained your mind for maximum success.

For the next couple of days we will look into the power of our dynamic brain so we can learn how to use it for maximum success in life. Everything we experience in life is set into motion by our minds. God made our brains so powerful we can create any experience that we would like to see in our lives.

According to the Bible in the book of Genesis 1:26 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

We are created in the image of God so this gives us certain authority and power to do amazing things because we were formed after his likeness. In Genesis chapter one God speaks everything into existence accept mankind. In order for these things to manifest themselves God had an idea of how he wanted them to look and they manifested themselves. God has given us the very same power.

Unfortunately, we have allowed two words to short circuit this amazing power that our brains possesses. Those two words are worry and fear. It is worry and fear that stops us from creating the things that we sincerely want in our lives. These two words have us in creation denial and scarcity mentality. Until we address them we will continuously experience lack of something in our lives.

“Nothing limits achievement like small thinking; Nothing expands possibilities like unleashed thinking.” William Ward

“You are today where your thoughts have brought you. You will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you.” James Allen

“It is the habitual thought which frames itself into our life. Our confidential friends have not so much to do in shaping our lives as thoughts have which we harbor.’ John William Teal

Whatever we think about consistently, adding our high emotions to, and visual slideshows comes to pass in our lives. So if you constantly think about losing your job guess what happens, you will lose your job? If you think you don’t deserve a loving mate who loves you for who you are you will lock a loving mate and love right out of your life?

“As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

“The ideas and images in men’s mind (thoughts) are the invisible powers that constantly govern them.” Jonathon Edwards

You are created in the image of the creator of the universe. Now that you know you are a creator of unlimited possiblities start exercising your power by creating the best life possible for yourself right now.

If you want to make more money think about being able to buy anything you want, paying all your bills on time, celebrating like you have it already, get that mental slideshow working and watch it show up in your life.

Here are 3 steps to creating whatever you want in your life by using mental creation.

One: You are a divinely constructed creator of your own universe.

Two: Focus upon what you want and adding all the emotion you will feel when they manifest. Act as if your desires right now.

Three: Create your own mental slideshow of what you desire. Mental pictures are a brilliant way to create your desires swiftly. "All that a man calls his world, is but a picture of his thoughts." Emma Cutis Hopkins

“Mind is the Master-power that molds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes; The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills, Brings fourth a thousand joys, a thousand ills; He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking-glass.” James Allen

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Lance Armstrong Advantage

Lance Armstrong won his unprecedented seventh win of the Tour de France. He endured various things to get there, compete, and win. There are millions of people who dream of being winners. Dreaming to be a winner is one thing but being a winner is a totally different thing.

Let’s take a very brief look at the Lance Armstrong advantage so we can apply his winning principles to reach elite levels in our lives. I believe that he had an amazing advantage over the other cyclists. Let me share some of his advantages with you.

Advantage One: The Optimistic Vision to Conquer
On Wednesday October 2, 1996 Lance Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular Cancer. Despite his condition spreading to other parts of his body Lance vowed he would beat the disease and ride again as a cyclist. You can see Armstrong’s optimistic vision to conquer what comes his way in action.

Advantage Two: A Life Mission
Lance Armstrong chose staying committed to his cyclist endeavors no matter what. He became an inspiration for cyclists, fans and for cancer survivors around the world. His life mission in one broad stoke grew astronomically. Everyone should have a life mission. Having a life mission is a key to success in life. “What a different story people would have to tell if they would adopt a definite purpose and stand by that purpose until it had time to become an all-consuming purpose.” Napoleon Hill Laws of Success

Advantage Three: Setting Greater Goals
Never aim low shoot for the stars. One must set greater goals for themselves so they can stretch themselves beyond the normal into the extraordinary. This gives you incentive to accomplish more in your life pushing you to go beyond the call of duty.

Advantage Four: The Power of Productive Planning
I heard lance Armstrong say on an interview what gives him the edge when competing in the Tour de Force is he works on climbing the mountains. I found this to be a brilliant way to have an edge over other cyclists. Most people prepare to finish a race by a certain time, just finishing and so fourth. It gives you an edge when you know that in a certain area you will excel working your hardest. This brings us to his next advantage.

Advantage Five: Championship Attitude
I am a winner in all that I do. I keep my mind fixated upon crossing the finish line and remaining focused at all times. My age or situation does not dictate what my results will be. I keep my mind fixated on my game plan remaining calm.

Advantage Six: Creating Super Synergy
Lance motivated his team to perform on a higher level. He created enough enthusiastic effort of his peers catapulting them to majestic heights. Great leaders are masters of creating super synergy.

Advantage Seven: Championship Endurance
I have more than enough endurance to reach every goal I set. I align my goals so they will collapse each other displaying a domino effect. I pace myself through each phase until I reach the finish line. I repeat my steps because they continuously give me the edge in life to go the distance. Now you know what gave Lance Armstrong an advantage in winning. You can apply these advantages to your life and be an outstanding winner in life.

“Success has –U- in it so proceed with confidence.” Arthur R. Barnes

"The world cares very little about what a man or woman knows; it is what a man or woman is able to do that counts."
Booker T. Washington

Monday, July 25, 2005


I had one heck of a commute this morning on the way to work. While riding the Z-train into Manhattan we ended up stuck on the Williamsburg Bridge for a few minutes. My brother calls my cell phone telling me they just announced that J and Z trains are not running. I assure him everything is fine we are about to pull into the tunnel.

We stop in Essex train station the conductor announces there’s a train stuck in a station 2 stops away and we are being held in the station until further notice. Now as an educated commuter I know this isn’t a good thing. I get off transfer to the F train then unto the E train (for a total of taking 4 trains to reach work).

Have you ever been stuck in your life? Being stuck is not a good feeling. I have been stuck in many different situations ranging from being stuck in an elevator, a broken down vehicle on the highway, and even at a house in the boondocks of North Carolina.

On a deeper note there are so many people today who are stuck.

People who are stuck in the past, on a dead-end job, in an unhealthy relationship, stuck on Simon or Simona who broke your heart, or just stuck in a rut. We have all been there at some point in our lives. I notice individuals being stuck in quicksand situation. The more you try to get out the worst your situation becomes. They are trying to move from being stuck but just don’ know how?

Here are 5 sure ways to getting unstuck.

Let go of the belief that you’re trapped in your present situation. Your perception is your reality. Always believe there is a way out.

There is always more than one way out of your situations. Questioning your way out of a jam is brilliant. What are some of the things that I can do now to eliminate this problem? Who can help me with solving this problem/situation? How can I strengthen myself so this doesn’t have me in a bind again?

Become a solutions person instead of a situations person. A situations person gets into situations attempting to deal with them when they come. If a person is unequipped to deal with the situation, it turns into a problem eventually escalating to a bigger problem, which graduates unto a maze of confusion and confinement. A solution person works on solutions and solving problems before they come so when they arrive it is no big deal and the situation remains just a situation and has no time to escalate until something crippling you.

Be Good at Being You. Always work on improving yourself everyday. We take our cars to be serviced, the carwash to be detailed, and invest hundreds and thousands into making our vehicles and homes look great. Why don’t we put the same hard effort into our lives? Whenever you work hard on improving yourself you get better results in various areas of your life.

Live long and prosper. Mr. Spock had a brilliant motto we need to apply to our lives. Living long means enjoying every moment of life allotted to you. Making the best of your time loving where you are in life right now. Realizing happiness comes from within not outside of yourself (I will deal with this sometime in the near future). Prosperity comes to the person(s) who enjoys every rich moment in life knowing it only gets better.

Helen Keller hope. Is thinking/knowing you can overcome anything despite your situation. Fiery faith burning within you radiating to the world “this too shall pass” and you shall victorious.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” --Helen Keller

Friday, July 22, 2005

5 Fantastic Sites 2 Fuel Your Life Now

We have dealt with different aspects of personal development this week. Every Friday I will take a quick look at people, places, and things that can change your life. Everything featured is tried and tested. I never endorse anything I haven’t tried or enjoyed myself. I hope that you enjoy these well being sites, may they impact your life as they have mines.

Relationships Coach Rinatta Paries is one of the best relationship coaches on the internet. This site is great for helping singles, couples in a relationship, or married couples work on their relationships. She teaches some explosive e-classes that are very beneficial and reasonable. Sign up for the free newsletter and be sure to check out the True Love Magnet Quiz when you stop by.

Personal, Sales, Time Management, Entrepreneurial, Management Success, and Quotes Brian Tracy is one of America’s leading authorities on the development of human potential and personal effectiveness.
He has several free newsletters covering several aspects. This link will take you directly to a page where you can preview each newsletter and choose the best one(s) to suit your needs.

Writers/Entrepreneurs/Business Dr. Joe Vitale is the world’s first hypnotic copywriter. His site is a goldmine for writers, entrepreneurs and business owners. This site can change the way you write, do business and network. Dr. Vitale is awesome. His new book the Attractor Factor has knocked Harry Potter off of the #1 Barnes and Nobles Top 100 slot and is continuously changing my life for the better.

Self Improvement, Etc. Is the number #1 self-help site on the internet. This great site covers various topics with powerful insights from experts in many different fields. Even yours truly has writing on this site There are so many great topics here that I cannot name them all. Just check out the site because it is definitely worth your wild.

Health This site has some really informative health articles that will help you with alternative medicine and methods.

Your Bonus Site Is the site of Paul Bauer which helps you to realize your passions, your purpose and life’s dreams. It is filled with practical yet powerful information that can change your life.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Upgrading Your Memory part I

The mind is extremely powerful beyond words. By analyzing computer functions we can learn how amazing our mind is. There are basic functions all computers perform which are similar to the way our brains function. These functions are:

Imput- The ability to give computers commands by feeding it with information

Output-The ability to read what the computer is doing.

Memory-The two basic categories of memory are short-term and long-term. A typical computer contains numerous types of memory.

Processing-The CPU controls how data is sorted and directs the flow of data. The computer is defined by the power of its microprocessor or CPU.

I want to deal with only the imputing and outputting functions of a computer today in contrast with how our minds work. Imputing commands into our brains started from a very young age. Our minds are sponges absorbing information from sources like home, parents, and events. We are constantly imputing commands into our mind.

Unfortunately, a lot of information we store into our minds is detrimental to us.
The results are worst than a computer being infected with a powerful virus. This stored information ranges from negativity (watching it, partaking in it, and listening to it), limiting beliefs, false beliefs, negative self-talk, even the re-runs of bad experiences we watch on the Sony IMAX movie screen of our minds.(These happen to be the worst). The mind is very responsive to pictures and metaphors.

We would never install a virus on our pricey computers yet we install garbage into our mental. But we don’t seem to have a problem with storing it in our minds.

Let’s look at our mental output so we can analyze what is going on with our lives. Whatever situation or results we are seeing in our lives is a direct reflection of what is going on inside of our minds and hearts.

If we are not enjoying what life is showing us it is time to change our minds. Change your mind you change your results. Changing your results changes your life. Here is a very quick way to change your mind.

Think Optimistic-To every cloud there is a silver lining. Always look on the bright side of things. It always makes a difference.

Absorb Optimism- Read uplifting materials such as religious books, self-help books, listen to motivational tapes & CD’s, and read biographies of successful individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the world.

Live Optimistic- Live optimistically by asking yourself what questions they have amazing power. Such as what do I have to do to get a raise at my job? Never ask yourself why questions they will literally bury you in guilt and negative reasons.

Keep Optimistic Conversation- Stay away from the negative conversations at all cost. Give yourself positive self-talk. So often we down ourselves. “I am wonderful.” “I feel like I can conquer the world goes a long way.” “I deserve the best in every aspect of my life.” These words go a very long way.

"The brain's capacity and desire to make or elicit patterns of meaning is one of the keys of brain-based learning. We never really understand something until we can create a model or metaphor derived from our unique personal world. Learning and memory are influenced by the sets, intentions and plans generated in the neocortex of the brain as well as by the information received from the immediate environment and from internal states, drives, and muscular responses. The reality we perceive, feel, see and hear is influenced by the constructive processes of the brain as well as by the cues that impinge upon it." Merlin C. Wittrock

I want to let you in on a little secret. Our minds are more powerful than any computer made or being made. Upgrading your memory is simple. Practice these methods for 24 days. They say a new habit has to be practiced for 21 days in order for it to stick. So let’s take it a bit further. Remember we are into greater than expected living.
"I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside." Wayne Dyer

Wednesday, July 20, 2005


The following information is shocking so please prepare for the words that follow. The number one killer of people today is not heart disease, cancer or aids. In fact, there is a disease killing more people than aids, cancer and heart disease combined.

This disease the media will not tell you about, top medical practitioners around the country have failed to reveal to you. Thousands of people are dying from it each and every day.

The #1 killer of people today is a disease named negativity. Negativity is extremely deadly. When we are in negativity mode it becomes second nature to look at the worst side of the situation, lacking the belief that we can change, also saying what we are not rather than what we could become. That is just for starters.

The media doesn’t tell you about it because their negativity driven, the medical practitioners failed to tell you because it’s in their best interest to keep you medicated and unaware. The reason I’m exposing this disease is I’m tired of watching individuals suffering all of their lives and dying from it.

Allowing negativity to take control of us stimulates within us feelings of loneliness, abandonment, isolation, worthless, empty, incompetence, ignorance, uselessness, defeated, beaten down to a pulp, lost, betrayed, cheated, unwanted, overwhelmed, overpowered, defenseless, ignored, invisible, avoided, wimpy, a loser, defiant, rebellious & attacking and even an outcast.

Whenever we deposit our negative feelings in the account of our wellbeing they alter our thinking, our bodies, and feelings for the worst. This unaddressed negativity contributes to depression, nervous breakdowns, strokes, mental health, heart disease, suicide, kills potential, shatters dreams, dishes heartbreaks; I can go on and on here.

We need to eliminate negativity from our thinking. The results of eliminating negative thinking from our lives will help us live longer, healthier, and more productive. I want to live a longer, healthier and more productive life. What about you?

A mental diet would benefit us in a powerful way. A mental diet consists of not thinking about anything negative, saying anything negative, and doing anything negative. If a bout with negativity comes up you have 25 seconds to deal with it before letting it go. If you cannot let it go in 25 seconds you have to start all over from the beginning.

Start your mental diet right now. I suggest staying on it for at least a week for starters. Watch how great you feel after you come off of a mental diet. The longer you practice mental diets the easier it becomes and more beneficial.

In closing, I leave you with these words to ponder.

“For many negative thinking is a habit, which over time, becomes an addiction… A lot of people suffer from this disease because negative thinking is addictive to the Big Three—the mind, the body, and the emotions. If one doesn’t get you, the others are waiting in the wings.” Peter McWilliams

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Greater Than or Less Than

If you had to sum up your life in three words would you say that you have lived your life greater than expected or less than expected? You need to be very honest with yourself answering this question. If you’re confused by the question read on so I can crystallize my question for you?

Less than expected living is going through life performing at an all time low-below your natural ability to perform duties. There is no greater disservice to you, humanity, or God for living life less than expected. People who follow this trend complain more about their lives than actually trying to change what is happening in their lives. The sad thing is that many people will deny they are living life at this level.

I can hear the echoing words of Nelson Mandela reverberating in my eardrum “There is no passion to be found playing small—in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”

A life spent in mediocrity is a life that ends in heart wrenching misery.

Greater than expected living is living life above the expectations of yourself, your peers, and the world. These individuals usually excel in the endeavors that they pursue in life. Not because they have any super powers or anything. They have 3 powerful traits inside of them. These are faith, focus and determination. They will not let anything stop them from achieving their dreams.

I can’t help but ponder the immortal words of boxing great Sugar Ray Robinson “In order to be a champ you have to believe in yourself when nobody else will.” Those who are living life greater than expected are sparkling examples of how we are all supposed to live our lives.

Now back to answering that question I posed to you at the start. Whether you answered it with greater than expected living or less than expected living there is no better time than now to live life on a greater plain.

Never live life below your ability to perform.

If Helen Keller didn’t allow her disabilities to stop her from greater than expected living, what’s your excuse?If Anna Czerwinska didn’t let anything stop her from becoming the oldest woman to climb Mt. Everest at the age of 50, what’s your excuse?

If Yuichiro Miura didn’t let age or anything else stop him from climbing Mt. Everest at the tender age of 70, what’s your excuse?

If dropping out of college to pursue his dreams of becoming a big movie director didn’t stop Steven Spielberg from becoming one of the most influential film personalities in the history of film & one of the wealthiest filmmakers in the world, what’s your excuse?

These electrifying lessons shock us to believe.

No disability is too big for the power of your combined focus, vision, and determination to achieve your dreams.You may not see all the intrinsic details of how your objective will get accomplished but start with the end in mind and everything else will fall into place.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” St. Francis AssisiAge or frailty is no factor in pursuing your dreams. Leave all those faulty excuses of yours behind and pursue your mountains no matter how big they seem. No matter how many before you failed to reach their mountain peaks. Their journey is not yours. You can do the impossible.

Failure is not an option, but a choice.

I encourage you to live life as though you couldn’t fail when pursuing goals, dreams, and climbing your mountains. I will leave you with these powerful words to live by.

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. For a man to achieve all that is demanded of him he must regard himself as greater than he is.” Johann Goethe