Thursday, December 29, 2005

Strategic Success Planning

Hello everyone, today I promised to give you a quick way to set goals for yourself in the following categories. Yesterday we talked about the importance of reflecting upon the year’s achievements.

Now we are going to set some short term goals for ourselves in these areas. I want to add 2 areas that I left out yesterday.

They are family achievements and relationship achievement.

When I talk about relationship achievement I am speaking upon relationships in general, so it can be platonic or monogamous relationships.

Family Achievements
Relationship Achievements
Financial AchievementsMental AchievementsAcademic AchievementsCareer AchievementsSpiritual AchievementsPhysical AchievementsEmotional Achievements

In each of these categories name 3 things that you want to accomplish. Next put a time limit on each one. Make sure that you come up with a 3 step plan to accomplish each one.

For instance: You want to start writing more articles. Your 3 step plan to accomplish this might look like this.

1.Dedicate 2 hours to writing each day.
2. Try writing 3 different version of the same artile.
3. Submit writing to new magazines, e-zines, and websites.

Now put together your strategic success plan and make your goals and dreams come

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

The Year End Report

At the end of the year I really like to look over and reflect upon all of my accomplishments. This gives me the opportunity to account for everything that I have done in my life.

This gives me time to analyze things I have achieved, gets me energized about the upcoming year and sets the stage for my future.

I look at my achievements in the following areas;

Financial Achievements
Mental Achievements
Academic Achievements
Career Achievements
Spiritual Achievements
Physical Achievements
Emotional Achievements

Then I list each of my accomplishments in those categories. By applying this method it helps me to stay focused upon where I am in life at this very moment.

I am not one for New Years resolutions. The reason is that more than half of the people who set New Years resolutions break them and abandon them.

Tomorrow, I will show you a quick method to set goals in each of the following categories I stated above. Until then be well and excel in all that you do.

Friday, December 23, 2005

The Strike Is Over

Today marks the end of the MTA strike. After walking 120 plus NY blocks for 3 straight days my legs need a rest. I can say that I had one hell of a 3 day workout this week. I really had a chance to get my exercise on.

Walking really cleared my mind of a lot of things. It help me to reflect on this years achievements, loses and strategizing for the upcoming year.

Being able to walk down into the train station, swipe that metrocard, seeing that train rolling in and riding on the train sure felt.

I realize how easily we can take things we have access to for granted. That is, until they have been taken from us. Whether this happens temporarily of for an eternity cherish what you have and never take it for granted.

I want to say happy holidays to one and all. Enjoy your life, your family, your gifts, and spread love in everything that you do.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

5 Tough Lessons the MTA Strike is Teaching Me

The New York MTA went on strike December 20, 2005 and left the city to fin for themselves. There has not been an MTA strike since 1980. I have learned 5 tough lessons the MTA strike is teaching me that I want to share with you.

Never be afraid to fight for your rights to a better life.

Never be intimidated by the threats of others.

Be yourself and stay unpredictable.

Never get so comfortable with the normal routine that you cannot cope when change happens.

Make the best of not-so-good situations by utilizing other methods to do what you do.

Until tomorrow my friends have the best day that you can.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Your 2 Legacies

Did you know that you have 2 legacies? There are two legacies that every human being leaves behind them when they die. Stanley “Tookie” Williams is a reflection of the two legacies that we leave behind.

Yesterday Stanley “Tookie” Williams was put to death by lethal injection. Thirty three years ago he co-founded the notorious Crips youth gang in South Central, Los Angeles. In 1979 he was convicted of murdering four people.

Later on while in jail Williams went through a transitional path towards redemption. In his own words “I underwent disciplined years of education, soul searching, edification, spiritual cultivation and battling my internal demons."

He wrote seven books that all preached the message of anti-violence. He was nominated four times for the Nobel Peace prize. His story was also turned into a movie entitled “Redemption.” Williams wrote seven books in which he consistently preached a message of anti-violence.

Our lives will always be remembered by the legacies that we leave behind. Stanley “Tookie” Williams left 2 legacies when he died. What are the 2 legacies in a nutshell?

Your Good Legacy
Your Bad Legacy

One of your legacies will more than likely outweigh the other. Make it your business to develop your good legacy. The world is watching.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Action is a very busy word that never stands still. Procrastination is one of the worst forms of arthritis to humanity. First it attacks the individual by seeping into the bones. Having the joints massaged by mediocrity until it becomes hard to get up from doing nothing.

Everything that God called into life is supposed to be about action. The bees make honey, flowers bloom, grass grows, seas roar, trees grow and swing in the air. Each of these things has an action to perform. Movie directors call out “action” to actors when he’s shooting scenes. The name actor is derived from the word act. We have to be a people of action. It is actions that make things happen.

Having a dream is never enough. We must act upon our dreams. Wanting a job is not enough we must act by having a search that leads us to that job. It is by acting that we become.

When you procrastinate by doing nothing you become stagnated. Whatever is not growing is dying. Procrastination is a slow poison, attempting a mercy killing to wipe out your potential.

Remember you were designed by God to be a person of action. Act now. Be a person of action. Follow your dreams by making things happen in life.

"Action may not always be happiness, but there is no happiness without action."Sir Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881)British prime minister and statesman

"To laugh often and love much, to win the respect of intelligent persons and the affection of children; to earn the approbation of honest citizens and endure the betrayal of false friends to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to give of one's self; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived - this is to have succeeded."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)

Monday, December 12, 2005

Swim or Die

We are constantly surrounded by seas of difficulties. We can either swim through them or drown in them. What do you chose to do?

I refuse to be overpowered by seas of difficulties. I have decided to ride the waves of resistance. I was born to swim. I wasn’t born to survive I was born to swim, survive and succeed.

You were born to do the same. Circumstances do not make or break us. It is how we take on our circumstances that determine if we are swimmers or victims. Keep your head above water by swimming-don’t give up, stop, or drop. Your shore of paradise awaits you.

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them. - George Bernard Shaw

Thursday, December 08, 2005

From Ordinary 2 Extraordinary

Don’t wait for extraordinary things to happen to you! You can make extraordinary things happen to you. As you read every word of this article I will show you how to make extraordinary things happen to you.

So get excited. Get very excited because there are literally thousands of people waiting for something extraordinary to happen to them, but they don’t even know how to bring this about. Here is a formula that works like a charm.

What is Your GPA?
When I attended college I had a 3.75 GPA. GPA in this article means good productive attitude. Your attitude determines your altitude. So act as if you could not fail and your wildest wishes could come true. Stay positively confident that everything will work in your favor-even when it doesn’t look as if it will.

Good Productive Habits
I recently read somewhere that 95% of what we do is habit. By developing good productive habits you accomplish good productive achievements. By accomplishing good productive achievements you began to see extraordinary results in your life.

"It is not necessary to do extraordinary things to get extraordinary results."
Warren Buffett (1931 - )American stock market investorCEO Berkshire Hathaway

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

In Hot Pursuit

Whose dream for your life are you following? Is it your parents, family member, or friends? Is it a close friend’s dream for you or just something that came to mind most recently?

If it is not your personal dream you are following or about to follow don’t go that way. Whenever we follow the path someone else has chosen for us we usually go further away from our ideal dreams.

I meet doctors and lawyers who make a great deal of money, but are not happy with their career choice. Many of them have become followers of another person’s dream. Either following in their parents footsteps because it was expected of them to follow in their footsteps.

You are not obligated to live their dreams, but your dreams. I hate to see people racing down the pathway of another person’s dream. These individuals are racing to achieve an unfulfilled life without even being aware of it.

People in hot pursuit of other people’s dreams experience feelings of depression, frustration, high-stress levels, feeling incomplete, unfulfilled and so fourth.

A few times I have attempted following the dream of someone else. Each time I started off in a direction that was not my own, I stopped and said to myself “hey this isn’t me.” That is all it ever took for me to abandon their path and get back on my own.

Whose dream are you in hot pursuit of? Be in hot pursuit of your own dreams. Life is much better when you pursue your own dreams. Be a trailblazer on your own course instead of a pathfinder of others people’s dreams. In closing I will leave you with these thoughts.

“Dream lofty dreams, and as you dream, so you shall become. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be; your ideal is the prophecy of what you shall at last unveil.”James Allen

"What dreaming does is give us the fluidity to enter into other worlds by destroying our sense of knowing this world...Dreaming is a journey of unthinkable dimensions, a journey that, making us perceive everything we can humanly perceive, makes the assemblage point jump outside the human domain and perceive the inconceivable." Carlos Castenada

Friday, December 02, 2005

Time 2 Be

“Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."
Margaret Thatcher (1925 - ) first woman in European history to be elected prime minister

I hope you enjoyed your week. I hope that you are taking advantage of the time allotted to you. Without further or do I want to share my time 2 be list with you.

Be Cool-Don’t sweat the small stuff. Why make mountains out of molehills? Keep a cool level head and do what you were born to do. Succeed in life by reflecting the image of God.

Be Optimistic-Learn to be optimistic when stuff hits the fan. The person who remains optimistic in tough times has found true optimism. It’s easy to be optimistic when things are going right.

Be Strategic-In your methods of handling things. Learn to deal. Delegate, elevate, activate, and learn to take rest breaks. You get more accomplished that way.

Be True to Yourself-Always be honest with yourself. You do yourself a serious disservice when you are not true to yourself. Please do not confuse your habits, beliefs and routines for you. They are not you. They are only fragments of who you truly are.

Be the Energizer Bunny-Stay connected to the source of all power-God. He is the only one that can keep you going and going and going. I am not telling you to stay busy. What I am suggesting is that you stay connected to the source of strength and follow your dreams full steam ahead. Work smarter not harder.

Be Passionate-If you are not passionate about yourself, your work or what you represent how do you expect anyone else to take you serious? Be passionate about the things you care about most.

It’s time to be all of the above. Now go out there and make me proud of you.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Time is On My Side

“Time has no standard speed limit. Sometimes it’s a slow moving turtle and then a zooming Mosler MT900 super car going top speed. So the key is learning how to make the best of your time.” Arthur R. Barnes

I want to talk about time this week. I know I’ve been absent Monday-Wednesday. I am here today. Today I will utilize my time by packing this post with 4 super mini posts in one.

I want to share with you some very quick yet powerful insights upon utilizing your time wisely. Each aspect of time I share with you will move you closer to better time management, reach greater achievement in less time and make you more effective person in life.

Here we go:

Time 2 Plan-The power to design your destiny. The Wright brothers not only had a dream about flying they had a plan to make their dreams come true. No railroad, train, road, car, park, or computer was ever built without some type of blueprint.

Time 2 Act-The ideal of now. I love Nike’s slogan just do it. However, I like just do it now better. How many times have you put off something you could do today for tomorrow. An athlete’s plan is dedicating most of their life to their favored sport. Going through mental coaching, and all other sorts of rigorous training to be the best.

Time 2 be Driven-I am a very ambitious person and a lot of people say that they admire that in me. However, being ambitious is never enough. We must be driven by our passions, abilities and our purpose in life. We need to know that the things that matter most in our lives is our dreams in life; not those of parents, family members and friends.

Time 2 Be Consistent-Why stay stuck in the mud of mediocrity when you can be spending time now gliding towards greatness? This is one of the most vital questions you need to ask yourself. Staying consistent with your plan of action is putting your best foot forward in everything that you do.
Whew I did it. By applying these short time applications to your life you will soon see an amazing difference. Until tomorrow my friends make the best of your time.