Friday, September 30, 2005

Going Out of My Way

I try to make it my business to go beyond the call of duty when I am helping people.

When was the last time you went out of your way to help someone else?

Better yet, when was the last time that you went out of your way to do something special for yourself?

Going out of my way to help people is good, but going out of my way to better myself is my new goal. So from this day forward I am going out of my way in everything. No more staying in the safety zone.

I will play harder than usual, work more efficiently, and do more strategizing to work towards my success.

Mediocrity is for losers and my mother didn’t raise no losers.

I am stating my case.

I will not let anyone or anything dissuade me from accomplishing that which I have set out to achieve. I am committed to being all I can be, until death takes my breath.

I will fight to the end like the greatest of all times.

I will soar beyond limitations as Michael Jordan because I believe I can fly.

I will live my dreams as did Dr. Martin Luther King.

I shall do what I must by any means Necessary as did Malcolm X.

When I step to the plate I will do my very best to knock the ball out of the park like Barry Bonds.

I shall go above the call of duty because my destiny is excellence. What is your destiny?

Never sit around watching the parade of life in awe. Get out there, march in the parade of life and give the best performance you can give the world to see.

So the next time you see me or hear my words of council be sure to remember I am committed to going out of my way to do great things in life.

"The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them to the impossible." Arthur C. Clarke

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Developing Excellent Habits

Yesterday when I got off of the train I slowly made my way down the block as the breeze gently caressed my face. It was just another long day coming to an end. I went to the store to buy my usual hero, grabbed a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and a Tropicana orange juice then scurried off to my home.

Everyday I do just about the very same routine like clockwork, only with a few exceptions. I won’t get into those exceptions now because they may be used for a later post.

Habits control a huge percentage of our time, energy and life here on earth. I recall having an old habit of smoking cigarettes. I used to smoke a pack a day for 6 years. That is 2,190 cigarettes; Lord knows how many coughs I scowled, and all those carbon monoxide moments I stopped to take. I was so dedicated to those things. I think I was more dedicated to the habit of smoking than any other habit I had, good or bad.

Developing excellent habits help us to become better people in our respective fields and throughout our walk of life.

Training 2 Develop a Habit
In order for something to become a habit I am told you have to do it for 21 days consistently for it to become a habit. So here is my challenge to you. I want you to come up with 3 new habits that you want to incorporate into your life. You can make a list of 10 and select your 3 best habits you desire to adopt.

Now incorporate one of your habits for the next 21 days. If you happen to skip a day you have to start all over again from square one. Many individuals want to develop excellent habits, but are not willing to go the distance by dedicating themselves to it.

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life like a champion.'" Muhammad Ali

I don’t believe boxers train as hard as Muhammad Ali, George Foreman, and Joe Frazier did back in their days. They fought fights that went 15 rounds. So you can imagine the conditioning they endured to be able to stand in the ring with an opponent for that long

I believe that if we become dedicated to our habits the way I was dedicated to smoking those cigarettes years ago we can accomplish great things. I mean

Habitual Excellence
Once we develop excellent habits they will repay us with excellent results.
“Excellence is an art won by training and habit. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act but a habit.” Aristotle

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Lowered Expectations

How many times have you found yourself settling for less than you deserve? Have you been settling for a low paying job, an unqualified mate, poor customer service, a bad friendship, a bad business partner, and the list goes on and on.

When we do this we shortchange ourselves big time.

Most recently I reconnected with my friend Audrey that I met 12 years ago. 12 years ago I never expected much from our friendship. In fact, we only dealt on a spiritual level. Today we no longer limit our friendship to one particular area. I must say that our reconnected friendship is so much better than before.

Our friendship was limited before, now it is unlimited. Once we eliminated our lowered expectations about our friendship we opened the opportunity to unlimited possibilities.

What lowered expectations are you having about your business, ability, relationship, and success?

Remember what I told you about my friendship with Audrey. When we let those lowered expectations go, bigger and better things happened to our friendship. Our friendship was able to take on another dimension that was unforeseeable before.

I encourage you to eliminate your lowered expectations so you can receive a convoy of blessings. I want to leave you with this thought.

"The world is full of abundance and opportunity, but far too many people come to the fountain of life with a sieve instead of a tank car... a teaspoon instead of a steam shovel. They expect little and as a result they get little."~ Ben Sweetland

Monday, September 26, 2005

The Magic of Gratitude

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
Melody Beattie Author

How many of us can honestly say we exercise a powerful spirit of gratitude? I know I can’t. I always expected receiving only life’s best, but failed being grateful enough for the blessings that were already bestowed upon me. Until most recently that is.

I thank God my eyes are now opened to see the magnitude of gratitude. I don’t believe people realize how powerful gratitude is. I cannot give you a million dollars today to make you extremely happy. However, I have some million dollar principles that will shower avalanches of abundance upon you.

Gratitude Unlocks the Fullness of Life
One of the greatest discoveries that I ever stumbled upon is that gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. I have existed for 34 years but I have only lived less than half of that time. True life begins when you learn how to be thankful. It is then that people realize that trouble don’t last always.

Being grateful changed my life completely. It taught me a valuable lesson to stop existing and start living. I appreciate everything in my life more and more now. Life is more enjoyable when you learn to be grateful.

I learned this after losing one of the most important people to ever come into my life. I wasn’t looking for gratitude at that point in my life. I stumbled upon it like hidden treasure found by a poor man.

Many people don’t realize how powerful gratitude is. If we really knew how powerful gratitude is we would walk around more grateful for what we have in our lives. Instead of moping around complaining looking like ugly Ogre’s in a bad movie. I think many believe that complaining is better.

This is loaded with very rich information. One of the best things you can do for your life is buy a notebook and label it your gratitude journal. Yes that is right.

For five days out of the week write down the things you are happy and grateful for today. Be sure to do it when you awake or before you go to bed. On the weekend go over your entries for the week. This journal is not only to show you how good life is to you. But it acts as a powerful magnet to attracting more of the things that you want in life. The more grateful experiences and things inside of it the more grateful things will happen outside of it.

"Feeling grateful or appreciative of someone or something in your life actually attracts more of the things that you appreciate and value into your life."
--Christiane Northrup"

That is the magic of gratitude. Now go out there and make your own magic happen.

Friday, September 23, 2005

Are you a Master or Student?
I have always been fascinated by martial arts movies. Seeing how gracious these oriental masters where when utilizing their knock-down-kick -your- a@#-royally skills to put a person out of commission for stepping out of line.

I always wanted to be a master. I wanted to be calm, serene, in touch with myself, spirituality, nature and could handle difficult situations when they arise at ease. What I realize now is many people desire to be masters of life, but not many are willing to do the work to be a master.

So I ask you are you a master or a student?

Are you looking to find someone to teach you the powerful skills to take your life to greater level?

Are you on the plateau of a master searching for a student who is willing to be taught and groomed in the excellence of the arts?

What I am about to reveal will utterly shock you?

Before that I will share with you words my father shared with me. I have chosen to live be them “Arthur you are extremely smart & wise beyond years. Continue to be a student of ideas, life, and situations because with a sharp mind you can think your way to success and not have to work as hard as I did to make it in life. You can push a pencil and think your way to majestic heights.”

That was one of the wisest men I ever had the privilege of knowing. He only had a second grade education too. Now let me share what I promised with you.

Are you ready for this? Ok here we go.

"The Master knows that he or she is always a student, whereas the student still hopes someday to be a master."

Now live your life as a master or an eager student in search of a master- the choice is yours.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Born Identity

I happen to really enjoy those Robert Ludlum books that were turned into action movies the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremacy. They have action, suspense and good story lines.

In the first movie Jason Bourne who is played by Matt Damon is suffering from amnesia. He goes through the movie finding clues and trying to discover his past and his identity.

There are millions of people who run around just look Jason Bourne trying to figure out who they are. Too many confused people running around here trying to find out their identity.

You are a child of the King. You are a child of God who is made in His image. Do you know what that means?

That means within you there is tremendous power to do the impossible. I am about to share one of the most powerful quotes that I have ever heard.

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?Actually, who are you NOT to be?You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the World.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifestthe glory of God that is within us.It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.As we let our own Light shine, we unconsciouslygive other people permission to do the same.As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.”
-Marianne Williamson "A Course in Miracles"

Let’s take a look at these powerful clues the way Jason Bourne put together the ones he was given. When he found certain clues about his identity he became more impressed with his abilities and utilized them to help him out of tight situations.

We are brilliant, gorgeous talented, and fabulous because God created us. So many of us look at scientists like Einstein, athletes like lance Armstrong, and business revolutionaries like Bill Gates and say these individuals are brilliant..

You are brilliant as well. The sooner we embrace our identity and our traits the stronger we will become in living our destiny. We are created by God so we have to think big of ourselves, think big of our ability, and think big dreams.

Let’s start living life to the fullest because we know who we are now. No more excuses. The sky and beyond is the limit. We are powerful beyond words, awesome in our actions and perfectly within our rights to do the impossible like God. After all we are made in his image in the dimension of perfection.

Go walk into your destiny, let your light shine unto the world and manifest the power of God that continuously works through you to do miraculous things.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Chasing Happiness

I used to catch lightning bugs in an old vacant years ago, in a lot near my childhood home in Brooklyn. I can still feel those warm summer nights waiting to see their little lights flicker in the darkness. I would dash towards them, my heart a pounding drum in my chest, my legs pumping pistons, and as I came close I would either fall or fall short of capturing it.

Many individuals chase behind people, places and things like lightning bugs, trying to capture happiness. Whatever you chase behind often eludes you. Why do we do this? Do we do it for the money, fame, fortune or relationships? No. It is actually for none of the above.

Did I just say that? Yes I did. I mean who doesn’t enjoy receiving more money? Haven’t we all wished at some point in our lives we were famous? Let’s keep it real.

How many times have you said to yourself when I hookup with that man, or woman, I will be the happiest man in the world? What about the famous statement “when I win the lottery all of my problems will go away?” We don’t do it for love, for more money, a bigger house, or any of that. Those are all good reasons.

However, the key reason we want these things is so we can be happier. We do it all to amplify our happiness, to take ourselves to another level of happiness. How many millionaires have secured more money, bigger homes and more possessions but failed to find true happiness?

How many athletes have broken records, only to still feel unfulfilled and unhappy?

“The pursuit of happiness is mankind’s favorite sport.” Anonymous

Mike Tyson is the youngest boxer to capture the heavyweight champion belt. What a great accomplishment. Unfortunately we still find him chasing happiness that has eluded him for years. It is a sad tune to hear, a terrible movie to watch and a bad predicament to be in when happiness cannot be found.

“It’s pretty hard to tell what does bring happiness; poverty and wealth have both failed.” Kin Hubbard “For most men at all times the secret motive of all they do, and of all they are willing to endure.” William James

I want to reveal a golden secret that will make you wealthy, healthy, and wise beyond years. It will save you 100% of heartbreaks, give you strength to do the impossible and make your life more enjoyable.

How I Found True Happiness and How You Can Too

Most recently, after a heart-wrenching break up with my girlfriend of three years, I thought happiness was out of reach, eluding me once again. That is until, I figured out the 2 keys to true happiness. It started with some soul searching that led me to the heavenly plain of happiness. True happiness is closer than you can ever imagine.

One of the biggest reasons we never find happiness is because we are looking for it in all the wrong places. Happiness cannot be found externally. I know that 75% of the world is extroverted. That may be the reason why most of us chase happiness and miss it every time.

True happiness can only be found internally. You experience happiness by doing what you enjoy. If you're not doing that - then you can never truly be happy. It has taken me thirty-three years to figure it out. It takes longer for some others and many never figure it out in the course of their lives.

I love writing with an undying passion. I recently took a six-month or longer hiatus from writing. Unhappiness began doing a job on me. I had a slow leak in my soul where the air of happiness was slowly being let out of me. After reflecting upon my broken relationship, I decided to get back to doing the things I enjoy.

Immediately I felt my slow leak was repaired. Rededicating myself to the things I love doing invigorated me. I became overwhelmed by a hurricane of happiness that continuously lifts me into the heavenlier places. When was the last time you did something you enjoy doing?

Do more of it. In fact, do everything you enjoy so you can watch your happiness meter go through the roof. By doing those enjoyable things, you can take your happiness to a higher level by focusing on positive things taking place in your life. Focus on each of them. Soon you will see a new horizon of happiness.

These are the two keys to true happiness. Everyday I get up knowing my days are brighter, I have more fight in me and life couldn’t be sweeter. No matter how many awards or achievements I make in life they are nothing compared to experiencing true happiness. I feel free to live life to the fullest.

I am soaring so high without wings and it is a beautiful thing. Stop looking for happiness in a person who just might let you down, in a car that starts losing value as soon as you drive it off the lot, in a home which can be destroyed by fire or a natural disaster, or in finances that can be here today and gone tomorrow.

I share this life changing truth with you so you can stop chasing happiness as a fleeing lightning bug. I share this so you too can capture happiness and watch its glow of glory inside your life. The very same way I mastered the art of catching lightning bugs.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

What Type of Writer Are You?

When I was younger, a few friends and I would always attempt writing our names in new cement so our names would be there for a good a long period of time. Whenever we passed that block of cement we would see our name. It became our little neighborhood’s walk of fame.

If we ever were caught doing this we would get in trouble and people often asked “what possessed you to write your name in this cement?” Have you ever written your name somewhere for other people to see?

I am a writer who loves to write in places. I just finished reading one of the most profound quotes that I have ever read upon writing. This is not your average quote upon writing at all.

“Write your injuries in dust, your benefits in marble.” Benjamin Franklin

What type of writer are you? Are you a marble writer or a dust writer?
I know a lot of both types of writer’s.

There are marble writers who write their injuries in marble and their benefits in dust. (When problems arise in the lives of these marble writers they watch the benefits and blessings get blown away because they have traced them in dust)

Learn to become a productive marble writer so the world can view your achievements and you can too.

Learn to be a productive marble writer so you can view the benefits of your life. and watch the wind blow away your heartaches and shortcomings.

Martin Luther King wrote in marble.

Malcolm X wrote in marble.

Mahatma Gandhi wrote in marble.

Mother Theresa wrote in marble.

I say to you today write in marble about your achievement.

Write in marble about everything you are grateful for in life.

Write in marble about your victories over obstacles.

Write in marble about all the things you are happy.

Write in marble so the world can see exactly who you are and what you stand for.

This shall be your personal Hollywood star that the world admires and visits from time to time.

Friday, September 16, 2005

Forgive & Let it Go Now

Relax, take a load of and focus upon the words that I am about to share with you. I held on to my gripe with a friend, lets call him Bob for years. My gripe kept transforming and growing into to envy, bitterness, and utter discuss. At the rate I was going with this Bob could have been the first person placed on my first drafted hatred list.

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” Catherine Ponder

It was then that I realized that no person deserved to have this much power over my emotions.

Why You Should Forgive Others?
When you are upset with a person over something, you begin carrying them on your back along with their issues. Let me take this a step further.

The longer you hold on to disagreements, gripes and grudges the more time this person spends with you, before long they are sleeping with you, eating with you, and living with you fulltime. Do you see where I am going with this?

Imagine 20 people get you upset and you never let this go. Can you imagine the magnitude this will have on your health, mind and life? Hundreds of thousands of people already do this. And people wonder why their lives are full of stress and anxiety.

“In the long run, it's not a question of whether they deserve to be forgiven. You're not forgiving them for their sake. You're doing it for yourself. For your own health and well-being, forgiveness is simply the most energy-efficient option. It frees you from the incredibly toxic, debilitating drain of holding a grudge. Don't let these people live rent free in your head. If they hurt you before, why let them keep doing it year after year in your mind? It's not worth it but it takes heart effort to stop it. You can muster that heart power to forgive them as a way of looking out for yourself. It's one thing you can be totally selfish about.” Doc Childre and Howard Martin, The HeartMath Solution

Forgiveness is an essential human attribute. Forgiveness helps us come to grips with the reality that we are all make mistakes because we are human.

It also gives us time to reflect upon our actions in this matter. When you exercise forgiveness you get a closer look at what God does for us when we ask him for forgiveness.

Forgiveness helps us move forward in life with hope. Forgiveness helps usher in a parade of peace into our lives.

Why You Have to Forgive Yourself?
There are so many people who have held themselves guilty in the court of circumstances because of something they allowed, or failed to do and somewhat was hurt as a result of this. These individuals go through life miserable because they have not taken the time to forgive themselves.

I have watched talk shows where a person was requested to someone’s sickbed before they passed away, but they didn’t get there in time. Now they feel as though they betrayed them. What should I say to these individuals? Forgive yourself and let it go.

There is a parent reading this, which has let their child down and you are beating yourself up even now. I encourage you dear parent to forgive yourself and let it go.

I know someone who sent their child somewhere something tragic happened to them. Forgive yourself and let it go.

I have friends who have broken a past lover’s heart and feel they can never forgive themselves. Stop being upset with yourself, forgive yourself and let it go.

Whatever you have been beating yourself up about, get over it, I encourage you to forgive yourself and let it go. You will see how much better life can be when you forgive others and yourself.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was YOU.” Author Unknown

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


The other day I punished my daughter Amanda, because she neglected to do something I asked her to do. I eliminated all of the things she normally has freedom to do. She was grounded and hated it. But then again who likes having limitations upon things that usually have freedom upon. Nobody does.

I thought about Amanda’s situation gleamed a few enlightening things from it.

How many times have we limited ourselves in different areas of our lives?

Have you ever found yourself working at a dead end job with no light at the end of the tunnel?

I can recall being in relationships that where bad for me.

Have you ever found yourself stuck in the same financial bracket with no sign of being elevated to higher plains?

These are limitations we have either allowed to happen to us because of our thinking, a problem or situation dictated to us. Many of us have been placing ourselves on punishment.

Whenever we place our children on punishment we immediately place new limitations upon them and they lose many of the freedoms that they are accustomed to having.

The sad thing is that many of us are living life as though we are on punishment losing freedom and living a restricted life.

A life restricted from making a better income, a life restricted from acquiring a better job opportunity, a life restricted from having a healthy loving relationship and a life with many limitations.

What are you limiting yourself to?

Have you given up on finding a better job?

Have you accepted the erroneous belief that you will never make more than 35,000 a year?

Have you just given up on the possibilility of landing a much better job than the one you are working at now?

Have you given up on finding a healthy loving relationship because some person broke your heart and you just can’t let go or move on?

By answering yes to any of these questions means you are living your life with limitations. Acting as if you are on punishment, like my daughter Amanda. That means you probably have your lips poked out, living with limitations, are surrounded by the four walls (you may have constructed yourself to keep you safe from things).

I came to tell you that you don’t have to live your life as if you are on punishment. God made us and gave us freedom of choice. I will leave you with a very powerful question and a quote.

How can I live my life with limitations that hinder you from being all that you can be in life?

“Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless.” Jamie Paolonetti

Friday, September 09, 2005

Operation Elimination: 12 Ways 2 a Wonderful Life

How excited would you become if you become if I could show you ways to cope with stress, erase years from your life and elevate you to the plateau of perfection? A little, a lot, or a whole lot of excitement is flooding your veins now.

I am going to share with you 5 ways to cope with stress, 3 ways to erase years from your life and 4 ways to elevated you to the plateau of perfection. T.G.I.F. aren’t you glad you are about to embark upon some methods that will enhance your life right now. Pass this on to everyone you know. It is a beautiful thing to share, so don’t be stingy.

5 Ways 2 Cope with Stress
Know what you stressors are in life. I know my children are my stressors. They both get to me in very different ways.

The Bobby McFerrin Method. Is don’t worry, be happy-I’m serious happy optimistic people live longer, more productive lives, than grumpy pessimistic people.

Be Grateful. “Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.” Charles Dickens

Learn 2 Be a Laugher. My ex-lady taught me to do that more often. Laughter rejuvenates the soul, reduces tension and contributes to your happiness.

Study a Stress Relieving Method each month and implement them into your daily routine. You will become an expert in dealing with stress in a little over a year.

3 Ways 2 Erase Years from Your Life
Eat Right. A good nutritional diet fuels your body for the tasks you have to pursue. I good diet that has a large percentage of fruits, vegetables, (especially green leafy ones) grains, and lean meat. Try to eliminate red meat from your diet.

Get the Appropriate Sleep. Most people believe that they need 8 hours of sleep to get the appropriate sleep. Contrary to popular belief excessively long periods spent in bed lead to fragmented and shallow sleep. A sound a satisfying sleep is the best kind of sleep. It is not about quantity it is about quality sleep.

Exercise. Jack LaLanne worked out for years and looked really good for his age. Lack of exercise is among the most significant contributors to obesity, heart disease and overall health risk. So a steady practice increases our blood flow, gives us more oxygen, and contributes to giving us fountain of youth moments.

4 Ways to Reach the Plateau of Perfection
Visualize the Prize. One of the greatest things you can do in life is act as if you couldn’t fail in any area of life that you want to pursue. Visualize it each day in detail by imagining how good it will feel to accomplish your goal, dream or aspirations. "I never hit a shot, not even in practice, without having a very sharp, in-focus picture of it in my head. First I see the ball where I want it to finish, nice and white and sitting up high on the bright green grass. Then the scene quickly changes, and I see the ball going there: its path, trajectory, and shape, even its behavior on landing. Then there is a sort of fade-out, and the next scene shows me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality." ~ Jack Nicklaus

Dedicate Time Daily to Cultivating Your Mind. We all have heard the slogan “a mind is a terrible thing to waste.” But how many of us are daily wasting our minds on foolish nonsense that is unproductive to our mental state? Pick up a book and read something that will elevate your mind state.

Set Gigantic Goals. Good goals are good to have, but gigantic goals are of greater importance. There are goals that can be achieved with hard work, dedication, and endurance. Anything less is uncivilized to your success in life.

Become Action Oriented. Everything starts from a plan to action. I have laid the blueprint down for you. It is time for you to take action in your life to make things happen now.

"The possibilities are numerous once we decide to act and not react." George Bernard Shaw

“You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know, Knowing is not enough! You must take action." Anthony Robbins

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Do You Know Your Family?

I apologize for not writing this sooner. I have really been caught up with the whole gulf coast crisis that America is facing. My prayers are with the families who have been affected by the floods and turmoil.

God bless every helping hand that has been extended, every person on bended knee uttering prayers to the Most High and all money sent to help restore things and help these people in their desperate time of need.

I must admit that this has really turned me to be more dedicated to my family, cherish everything that I have been blessed with and not take anything for granted.

How well do you know your family? “In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.” Alex Hailey

I have noticed that as I get older I am learning more and more about my family. When I talk about family I am talking about your entire family.

I hear people say things like “I don’t mess with my family like that, I can’t stand my family, my family is all messed up, I don’t get a long with my family, and my family is really close and I love them all dearly.

Whether I posted your response or not I want to introduce you to some unknown family that you have. Are you curious to know that you have some family that you might not be familiar with? Some long lost cousins and siblings. Well let me not keep you in suspense any longer.

The unknown family that I speak of is none other than the Dr. C. George Boeree 7 family groups of emotions.

7 Family Groups of Emotions
The Surprise Family surprise, startle, astonishment, bewilderment, confusion, shock
The Fear Family fear, threat, terror, anxiety, doubt, caution, suspicion

The Anger Family anger, rage, frustration, hatred, hostility, envy, jealousy, disgust, contempt, annoyance, indignation

The Sadness Family sadness, sorrow, depression, anguish, despair, grief, loneliness, shame, embarrassment, humiliation, guilt, remorse, regret

The Eagerness Family
eagerness, anticipation, excitement, confidence, hopefulness, curiosity, interest

The Happiness Family
happiness, elation, joy, gladness, contentment, satisfaction, self-satisfaction, pride love, affection, compassion amusement, humor, laughter

The Boredom Family
boredom, ennui, complacency

Identifying Your Immediate Family
I want you to be brutally honest with yourself. I want to share with you some very interesting questions that you need to ask yourself.

Which family do you spend most of your time with?

How much time do you usually spend with this family?

In a years time how much time do you think you spend with this immediate family of yours?

Is this a good influence upon your life or not?

If not what family do you think you can learn the most from?

What family can help me become the best person I can be?

How can I strengthen my family life with family or newly selected family?

I asked you these seven questions for several reasons. Please keep in mind that our emotions are alarm clocks alerting us that something needs to be addressed, something is wrong or out of place.

There are some emotions that help work good in our favor as well as some that may not work in our favor. The key to it all is how we respond to the emotion

One is because I want you to have a very good idea about your health and attitude. If you spend most of your time being angry or stressing about life you may find yourself facing heart disease issues, ulcers, rheumatism, nervous-diseases, and a few others.

Two is because you need to know your routine in order to make life adjustments to make your life run smoother for yourself.

Three is because 3 families out of the seven are good families to spend a lot of quality time with. They are the happiness family, eagerness family and the surprise family.

Fourth and foremost is the other 4 families can be looked upon as the trying families. Notice that I never sad bad but these are the trying families. They are the anger family, fear family, sadness family, and the boredom family.

I hope you enjoy your family and if by chance you don’t you can always change it.

“In each family a story is playing itself out, and each family's story embodies its hope and despair.” Auguste Napier

“American families have always shown remarkable resiliency, or flexible adjustment to natural, economic, and social challenges. Their strengths resemble the elasticity of a spider web, a gull's skillful flow with the wind, the regenerating power of perennial grasses, the cooperation of an ant colony, and the persistence of a stream carving canyon rocks. These are not the strengths of fixed monuments but living organisms. This resilience is not measured by wealth, muscle or efficiency but by creativity, unity, and hope. Cultivating these family strengths is critical to a thriving human community.” Ben Silliman Family Life Specialist with the University of Wyoming's Cooperative Extension Service

Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Art of Self Mastery

I want every one of you to live an abundant life. Living the abundant life doesn’t mean you embrace spirituality and neglect your health. Living abundant life doesn’t mean you embrace self control and neglect relationships. Did you know that neglecting or giving up on certain areas of life is not living at all? Those who do they are simply existing.

I want you to stop existing and start living. I want to show you how to live an abundant life.

How would you like to have a proven blueprint to maximize your success and skyrocket your performance level to astronomical heights? Well look no further. I utilize the art of self mastery continuously to achieve more in life almost effortlessly. You are about to embark on a most rewarding journey full of radiant riches.

Here is my personal self mastery list.

Persuasive Optimism is utilizing your strengths in a way that not only gets you noticed, but draws people to you who want to know more about you.

Health is making sure you exercise, get appropriate rest, eating right to fuel your body for success. You only get one body and we must learn to take great care of it.

Know Your Life Purpose you must know what it is that you want to do in life. Not what your family, friends or partner desires for you, but what direction you want to take your life in.

Novelty of Romance and Personal Relationships is strengthening your friendships, developing platonic relationships; keep yourself open to the possibility of having a long-term relationship with an ideal partner best suited for you and knowing there are several people who fit this criteria.

Self-Confidence is a vital tonic for every person who has goals, dreams and aspirations to achieve great things. Having faith in yourself and your abilities it pays off in rich dividends.

Self-Discipline is having a set of rules you play by or a script you stick to throughout life. Self discipline is a powerful asset to have. When a person master self discipline they live a more rewarding lives.

Spiritual Practice is living a life with a connected relationship with God. I am not promoting a religious denomination, what I am promoting is developing a dedicated relationship with God.

Values and Beliefs these are 2 driving forces that control most of your life. Make sure you have life enhancing beliefs and eliminate all erroneous beliefs from your life. I will show you how to do this later in the very near future.

Mastering Emotions is having the ability to deal with your emotions effectively. Not surpressing emotions, experiencing emotions and not allowing them to control you. Our emotions are alarm clocks alerting us to certain things going on with us. Emotions are not evil dictators who rule with an iron fist unless you allow them to do so.

Persistence is the true fuel of champions and achievers of excellence.

Master of change is someone who knows how to roll with the punches in life. They don’t react to situations they respond to them.

Adaptability is an attribute that comes in handy in life. In order to be successful you have to be able to adapt to different circumstance, situations and people.

Career millions of people work jobs when they should be working careers. Finding the career best suited for you lowers your stress level, raises your production level, and makes you happier.

Master Self-Improvement is staying committed to improving yourself for the rest of your life.

Commit Yourself to Creativity is staying creative in life. George Washington Caver created more than 325 products from the peanut. What new creative ways can you come up with the enrich humanity or make yourself rich?

Embrace Peace and Tranquility this is so vital to renewing your entire being. We don’t embrace peace and tranquility enough. Serenity is superb for recharging your inner being to face the day ahead.

In the next few weeks we will go over each item on my self mastery list. Keep the people who were directly affected by Katrina in prayer.

"You can do what you want to do, accomplish what you want to accomplish, attain any reasonable objective you may have in mind -- not all of a sudden, perhaps not in one swift and sweeping act of achievement -- but you can do it gradually, day by day and play by play, if you want to do it, if you work to do it, over a sufficiently long period of time." ~ William E. Holler

P.S. don’t forget to read my available every Monday.